Mr Ruggles
I'll give you an address where you can buy hand-knitted socks and mittens to present as your own work to some charity for distribution to our soldiers. I'll do nothing of the sort! What an idea! The idea, Sylvia, is for you to engage in an act of public patriotism, to offset your exploits with the Esterhazys and Grunwald-Merkses, which have pretty well done for Christopher! Do you mean to say those unspeakable swine think I'm pro-German because I sent toffees..? It's Christopher that suffers. He hasn't got on the way a man of his brilliance should have got on. A friend of his came to see me. A Mr Ruggles, he's something about the court. He came to ask me whether something might be done for Christopher. "It's almost as if Christopher has a black mark against him." That's how Mr Ruggles put it.我给你个地址,在那里可以买到手工编织的袜子和手套,就说是你自己做的,去捐给我们士兵。我才不做这种事。太荒唐了。西尔维娅,我是想让你参加一项公开的爱国主义活动以弥补你跟艾斯特哈兹和格伦沃-默克的事。这事对克里斯托弗影响恶劣。你是说那些卑鄙小人?因为我送去了太妃糖,就认为我亲德。受影响的是克里斯托弗。凭他的才智本可大有作为。他一个朋友来找我,拉格斯先生,在宫里供什么职。他来问我能为克里斯托弗做些什么,“克里斯托弗似乎有污点”,这是拉格斯先生的原话。 |