Hans Sloane
❤ 英式拼法,以音频内容为准
I've discovered about 50 new species. When I came here, I was just amazed. I don't think that total number of specimens of ours, even in the snail collections have been counted, but it must be one of the largest in the world. One hope under all of this is that, you know, you provide information, people become interested about what is there and what is in danger of being lost, and you hope that will make a difference.
A fascination for life in all its diverse forms is what drives many of today's museum scientists. And it's also what drove Hans Sloane, the man whose collections began the Natural History Museum.我已经发现了约50个新物种。初次来到这里,我完全惊呆了。我想这里收藏的蜗牛标本总量没有统计过,但在全球绝对算是极为丰富,博物馆收藏藏品的一个目的,就是提供这些信息,使人们对世界上现存的生物和濒危的物种产生兴趣,并借此影响人们的观念。生命形式多样性的魅力,是当今很多博物馆科学家的动力。而它也是汉斯·斯隆的动力,他的收藏品是自然历史博物馆创立之基。 |