剧情:Denise在犹豫是否要说出自己对Mrs Brookmire的怀疑。
Jocelin (= Mrs Brookmire)
Denise: Miss Audrey. I have the card to send to Mrs Brookmire to invite her to come to the store and try on the hats she's ordered.
Audery: Your words form a statement, Denise, _________________1_________________.
Denise: I wanted to ask, Miss Audrey, should I send it?
Audrey: ________________2_________________. We shall act as though Mrs Brookmire has done no wrong... for Mrs Brookmire has done no wrong. _____________3____________,
Denise: When I was serving Mrs Brookmire, _______________4______________... deeply troubled.
Audrey: The significant words there, Denise, were " seemed to me ". Seemed. What you offer, girl, is opinion. Opinion is dangerous in a department store.
Denise: But Sam...
Audrey: Sam is a dear boy. ___________________5______________.
Denise: Then shouldn't we tell Mr Moray what I saw?
Audrey: Indeed not. You are forbidden, Denise, forbidden to interfere in this matter. I warn you, to venture into this matter would only bring peril into your own life and disrepute to the name of Ladieswear.
Denise: But if you are fond of Sam...
Audrey: ___________________6________________. I must further instruct you to stay away from Sam. Do you understand?
Denise: Yes, Miss Audrey.
今天Laura就跟大家分享到这里咯,我们下期节目再见吧,bye bye~
but your face wears a question
Of course we must send it
I see a thought
she seemed to me to be
I am very fond of him
Fondness is sometimes outweighed by necessity1、但脸上却带着疑问
6、喜欢有时候敌不过必要 |