We already see that. One recent estimate is that 1/6 of all 14 to 24-year-olds in America - mostly males - are currently "disaffected and disconnected". They are not associated with any formal role in society, nor are they in any formal relationship with another person. These are the folks who are joining the gangs in inner cities and swelling the ranks of the rural military gangs. They see no roles for themselves in an Information Age society, and they are angry about their empty future.
So this is a very pregnant moment, not only for the future of America, but also for all of the mature industrial economies and, ultimately, for the world at large.我们已经看到了这一点。最新的一项估计表明,美国所有14至24岁的人当中有六分之一──大多数为男性──现在已“心存不满,与社会格格不入”。他们不担当任何社会角色,和其他人也没有正常的关系。这些人正是那些参加老城区流氓帮派以及使乡村武装匪帮队伍扩大起来的人。他们看不到在信息时代的社会里自己该担当什么角色,因而对前途茫茫而感到愤愤不已。
因此这是个至关重要的时刻,这不仅仅对美国的未来、而且对所有成熟的工业化国家,并且最终对整个世界来说都是至关重要的时刻。 |