It may not be a word by the strictest definition – but the emojicommonly
known as “face with tears of joy” has been namedthe “Word” of the Year for 2015
by Oxford Dictionaries.
A breakthrough year for the pictograms first spread by textingteens has
been marked by the Oxford Dictionaries’ recognitionfor a word or expression that
“captures the ethos, mood, or preoccupations of that particularyear.”
The body cited Hillary Clinton soliciting feedback in emoji and on-going
debates about the skintone of smiley faces, as evidence that “emoji have come to
embody a core aspect of living in adigital world that is visually driven,
emotionally expressive, and obsessively immediate.”
Casper Grathwohl, President of Oxford Dictionaries, said: “You can see how
traditional alphabetscripts have been struggling to meet the rapid-fire,
visually focused demands of 21st Centurycommunication. It’s not surprising that
a pictographic script like emoji has stepped in to fillthose gaps—it’s flexible,
immediate, and infuses tone beautifully.
“As a result emoji are becoming an increasingly rich form of communication,
one thattranscends linguistic borders. When Andy Murray tweeted out his wedding
itinerary entirely inemoji, for example, he shared a subtle mix of his feelings
about the day directly with fans aroundthe world. It was highly effective in
expressing his emotions.”
Research by mobile technology business SwiftKey found that “Face with Tears
of Joy” was themost heavily used emoji globally in 2015. Their statistics showed
that the character comprised20% of all emoji used in the UK in 2015.
Oxford Dictionaries defines a “word” variously as a “single distinct
meaningful element of speechor writing” or “conceptual unit of language”,
allowing emoji to take their place among moreconventional communicative
Oxford Dictionaries lexicographers also identified a sharp increase in the
use of the word emojiitself in 2015. Emoji is a loanword from Japanese defined
as “a small digital image or icon used toexpress an idea or emotion in
electronic communication.”