no to racism”横幅合影。
国际足联章程(FIFA Statutes)第三条规定:
Discrimination of any kind against a Country, private person or group of
people on account of race, skin colour, ethnic, national or social origin,
gender, language, religion, political opinion or any other opinion, wealth,
birth or any other status, sexual orientation or any other reason is strictly
prohibited and punishable by suspension or expulsion.
自2002年起,国际足联会在每年的一个重要足球赛事期间指定国际足联反歧视日(FIFA Anti-Discrimination
Days),以在世界范围内提高反歧视的意识。反歧视日的活动主要有:新闻通气会(media briefing)、媒体发布会(media
release)以及赛前宣誓仪式(pre-match protocol),比赛双方的队长会当场宣读反歧视宣言(declaration against
discrimination),在这之后,双方队员和当值裁判集中在赛场中央集体展示足球界反对歧视的立场:SAY NO TO RACISM。