Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
James Reynolds
Azadi Square
答疑:xyfxyfxyf123Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says his country will announce important and major nuclear achievements in the next few days. Mr Ahmadinejad made his comments during a rally held to celebrate the 33rd anniversary of the country's Islamic revolution. He also criticised western economic sanctions designed to force Iran to give up its nuclear programme, which the west fears is intended to produce nuclear weapons but which Tehran insists is purely peaceful.
"Today the whole world understands that they are against the development of the Iranian nation. The nuclear issue and other issues are a pretext. They say that they want to talk to us. Well, we've always been ready for talks. They should be conducted within the framework of justice and respect. I state clearly that if you use the language of bullying and insult, the Iranian nation will never yield to you."
More from our Iran correspondent James Reynolds.
For Iran's government, the last few months have been relatively tough. The country has been hit by new sanctions and the economy is struggling. So the anniversary of the country's Islamic revolution has given the President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad the chance to give a friendly crowd a bit of arousing. He told the rally in Tehran's Azadi Square that all the needs of the Iranian nation would be met by Iranian scientists in the near future. God willing, the world will witness the inauguration of great achievements in the nuclear sphere in a few days, he added. The president didn't give any ideas to exactly what these achievements might be.伊朗总统Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 在纪念伊朗伊斯兰革命33周年的一个集会上称,伊朗将在未来几天内宣布在核方面取得重大进展。同时他批评了西方试图用来强迫伊朗放弃核项目的经济制裁,该项目西方担心伊朗为用于制造核武器,而伊朗则坚称其是和平的核应用。
今天全世界都明白他们是在反对伊朗的发展和进步,所谓的核问题和其他问题不过是幌子而已。他们说他们想和我们会谈。 好,我们随时可以会谈。不过会谈必须在正义和尊重的框架下进行。在此我要明白的说,即使你们语带恐吓与侮辱,伊朗也绝不会屈服。
对于伊朗政府来说,过去几个月日子非常难熬。伊朗遭受了新的制裁,经济举步维艰。而伊斯兰革命周年纪念给总统Ahmadinejad 一个机会来对这些他的支持者打打气。 他在Azadi广场上对人们说,伊朗的一切能源需求在不久的将来都会在伊朗科学家的努力下得到满足。他还补充说道:上帝保佑,世界将在几天内见证我们伟大成就的诞生。但是总统并没有阐明这些巨大的成就到底是什么。 |