Old Joe
White RiverOld Joe and his son Tony were on their way to White River to catch some fish. They started on the trip long before the sun came up. Old Joe drove the car. Tony slept in the back seat. Joe enjoyed looking at the empty city streets in the early morning. The cool wind blew pieces of paper across the dark road. These days he often felt as empty as the streets. As he grew older, loneliness became a close friend who was always with him. Outside the city, Joe drove slowly down the river road. The dark sky began to grow lighter. He looked down at his hands and took a deep breath. Not long ago he had worked hard with those hands, but now they did not do much, just drive the car and hold a fishing stick.
Farther on he saw something in the middle of the road, he stopped the car. Tony sat up in the back seat.
"What's wrong?" he asked in a sleepy voice.
"What're we stopping for?"老Joe和他的儿子Tony正在去往怀特河捕鱼的路上。太阳升起之前,他们就早早启程了。老Joe开着车,Tony睡在后座上。Joe喜欢欣赏大清早空空如也的城市街道。昏暗的路面上,阵阵凉风吹起几片树叶。这些天,他感到无比空虚,就如同这空空的街道一般。随着自己越来越老,孤独就如同一个老朋友一般时刻伴随左右。城外,Joe开车沿着河边的小道慢慢行驶着。夜色逐渐亮起来。他低头看看自己的手,深深地叹了一口气。就在不久前,他还用这双手努力工作着。但现在,它们已经做不了许多了,只能开开车,抓抓鱼竿了。不远处,他看到路中央有一些东西。他停下车,Tony从后座上坐起来。“怎么了?”他用困乏的声音问道。“我们干嘛停下来?”
——译文来自: lycio |