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Yang Chen
I'm limping because my Achilles tendon is killing me.
Yang Chen, do you even know what an Achilles tendon is?
Achilles A-C-H-I-L-L-E-S, tendon T-E-N-D-O-N. It is a tendon in the lower back part of your leg.
That's right, Yang Chen. Just like Liu Xiang. He had a problem with his Achilles tendon, too.
I pulled it during my warm-ups for the 110 meter hurdles.
Thanks for the sympathy, Yang Chen.
You really are a pain in my Achilles, Yang Chen. Achilles was an ancient Greek hero.
He was dunked in a sacred river by his mother, and his mother was holding him by his ankle.
So he became invulnerable everywhere the water touched him, except his heel.
So when someone has a fatal flaw it is referred to as their "Achilles heel". This is because Achilles was killed when an arrow struck him in his heel.
Well, I may have a problem with my Achilles tendon, Yang Chen, but I don't have an Achilles heel.
I'm perfect.
Well. Whatever, Yang Chen. |