Diana Laufenberg:
Diana Laufenberg teaches 11th-grade American History at the Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia.
They produced fliers. They called offices. They checked schedules. They were meeting with secretaries. They produced an election forum booklet for the entire town to learn more about their candidates. They invited everyone into the school for an evening of conversation about government and politics and you know,whether or not the streets were done well, and really had this robust experiential learning. The older teachers more experienced, looked at me and went, "Oh, there she is. That's so cute. She's trying to get that done." "She doesn't know what she's in for." But I knew that the kids would show up, and I believed it, and I told them every week what I expected out of them. And that night, all 90 kids dressed appropriately, doing their job, owning it. I had to just sit and watch. It was theirs. It was experiential. It was authentic. It meant something to them. And they will step up.他们散布传单,联络各个选举办公室, 他们和秘书排定行程, 他们设计了一本选举论坛手册 提供给全镇的镇民让他们更了解这些候选人。 他们邀请所有的人到学校 参与晚上的座谈 谈论政府和政治 还有镇里的每条街是不是都修建完善, 学生们真的得到强大的体验式学习。 学校里比较资深年长的老师 看着我说 "喔,看她,多天真呀,竟想试着这么做。" "她不知道她把自己陷入怎么样的局面" 但我知道孩子们会出席 而我真的这样相信。 每个礼拜我都对他们说我是如何期待他们的表现。 而那天晚上,全部九十个孩子 每个人的穿戴整齐,各司其职,完全掌握论坛 我只需要坐在一旁看着。 那是属于他们的夜晚,那是经验,那是实在的经验。 那对他们来说具有意义。 而他们将会更加努力。 |