Ethan Kross
You've broken up with your girlfriend or boyfriend, your wife or husband has left you and you feel rejected, dejected, broken-hearted. Well, new research suggests that intense feelings of rejection are as hurtful as physical pain. The lead author of the study Ethan Kross said the reason is because the same regions of the brain that become active in response to painful sensory experiences are also activated during intense experiences of social rejection. The researchers hope their findings will offer new insight into how the experience of intense social loss may lead to various physical pain symptoms and disorders. They also confirmed the notion the people from different cultures all around the world use the same language, words like ‘hurt’ and ‘pain’, to describe the experience of both physical pain and social rejection.你跟你的女朋友或者男朋友分手了,你的妻子或者丈夫离开了你,你感觉到被拒绝,很失落,很伤心。新的调查研究表明强烈的被拒绝的感觉同身体疼痛一样痛苦。这项研究的主要作者Ethan Kross解释说,这是因为在大脑中,当身体有疼痛时而变的活跃的某些区域,在强烈的社交排斥发生的时候也会变得活跃。研究者希望他们的发现能够为强烈的社交失败的经历如何产生各种身体疼痛症状和疾病提供新的见解。他们也证实了,世界各地拥有不同文化的人们都会使用相同的语言,像“受伤',"疼痛”来描述身体疼痛和社交伤害。
——译文来自: nicolewe |