Chris Derby
Anna Coren
Trading Standards
Nicola Carslaw
Another unwanted text message. Millions of promotions are now being sent out every week enticing us with bogus prize draws and special offers. Chris Derby's 14-year-old daughter received one of those sort of unsolicited texts on her mobile.
I was angry that the message company was tems pting youngster to make phone calls to complete strangers, and secondly to invite them to make premium rate calls unannounced.
Well so far this year, the telephone regulator has received 800 complaints about unsolicited or misleading text messages, and there's a similar number of complaints involving faxes, emails too. This one, for example, it's quite flattering. You might be tempted to ring, but if you do, it's a premium rate number that costs a fortune.
Companies have been fined but still the complaints roll in. Businesswoman Anna Coren's been besieged by emails asking her to invest in a bogus bank.
This morning I got very upset. I called the Trading Standards and complained about it, and they told me that they received lots of telephone calls and lots of complaints, and if I was, er, to take part in this deal, I would have had to spend at least 300 pounds out of my own money, which I would never see again.
You can bar calls to premmium rate services and register to stop unwanted contact from legitimate business, but rogue firms are a problem. The regulations can't keep up with the new technology.
With the next generation phones with visual, um, content, it's going to be really important that consumers have more power than they have today to decide what they want to see and what they want their children to see.
Tighter rules are coming in next year, but for now it's either complain about it or bin it. Nicola Carslaw, BBC News.又一条垃圾短信。现在每周都有数百万条推销短信被发出,用压根不存在的抽奖和特别赠品来引诱我们上当。Chris Derby 14岁女儿的手机曾收到一条这类未订制的短信。
虽然这些公司已经被处以罚款,但投诉依旧蜂拥而至。女商人Anna Coren曾一直被电子邮件困扰,这些邮件叫她投资一家虚假银行。
明年将出台更严格的规定,但现在只能要么抱怨要么抛之脑后。英国广播公司Nicola Carslaw报道。 |