Hello, Chinese friends. This is Bill Gates. On behalf of the Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation, I wish you all a very happy new year. 2011 has been a tough year for many of the economies around the world. People who suffered the most are those in the greatest poverty. Yet despite the economic challenges, I'm optimistic that in 2012 we can build on the principles of generosity and innovation that have succeeded in the past. The group of countries able to contribute resources to development is larger than ever before. And the number of people who have the ability to spur the innovation is much greater than in the past. China has done a fantastic job of reducing poverty in its own country. It's in a great position to help other countries because of its successful experiences, innovative talents and enormous technical capabilities and health in agriculture. I'm convinced that together we can give the world a more comprehensive and cooperative approach to improving the lives of the poor. And together we can make a big difference.各位中国朋友,大家好!我是比尔•盖茨。我代表比尔及梅琳达•盖茨基金会给大家拜年!对于很多国家来说,2012是个艰难的一年。其中,贫困人群受到的影响最大。尽管目前世界面临严峻的经济挑战,我仍然乐观地认为:既然慈善和创新曾经取得巨大成功,那么在2012年也一定会继续发挥重要作用。今天,无论是可以为发展项目贡献资源的国家数量,还是能够推动创新的个人数量,都远远超过以往的任何时候。在清除贫困方面,中国的成绩有目共睹。中国在卫生和农业方面的成功经验、创新能力和强大技术,都是非常宝贵的资源,可以用于帮助其他国家发展。我深信,只要我们共同努力,全球发展可以更加全面均衡,合作更加紧密,从而更好地改善贫困人品生活,推动世界进步! |