South America
Andes Mountains
Tariff Department
Mister Morehouse
Cavia aperea
SuidaeThe president wrote to professor Gorden. Unfortunately, the professor was in South America, colleting zoological samples. His wife forwarded the letter to him. The professor was in the high Andes Mountains. The letter took many months to reach him. In time, the president forgot the guinea pigs. The head of the Tariff Department forgot them. Mister Morehouse forgot them. But agent Flannery did not.
The Guinea pigs had increased to 32. He asked the head of the Traffic Department what he should do with them. "Don't sell the pigs." agent Flannery was told," They are not your property. Take care of them until the case is settled." The Guinea pigs needed more room. Flannery made a large and airy room for them in the back of his office.
Some months later, he discovered he now had 160 of them. He was going out of his mind. Not long after this, the president of the express company heard from professor Gorden. It was a long and scholarly letter. It pointed out that the Guinea pig was the Cavia aperea, while the common pig was the genus Sus of the family Suidae. |