Randy Pausch是美国卡内基梅隆大学的计算机科学、人机交互及设计教授。2006年9月,他被诊断患有胰腺癌。2007年9月18日,他在卡内基梅隆大学做了一场风靡全美的“最后的演讲”,根据这次演讲,他出版的“The Last Lecture”一书则成为亚马逊网站上最为畅销的书籍之一。Randy教授所传达的讯息之所以如此震撼人心,是因为他以诚恳、幽默的态度去分享他独特的经验。他谈的不是死亡,而是人生中的重要议题,包括克服障碍、实现儿时梦想、帮助别人实现梦想、把握每一个时刻……
Carnegie Mellon
Building Virtual Worlds
Mickey Rooney/Judy Garland
People who know me say I'm an efficiency freak. Obviously, they have me pegged. I'd always rather be doing two useful things at once, or better yet, three. That's why, as my teaching career progressed, I started to ponder this question:
If I could help individual students, one on one, as they worked toward achieving their childhood dreams, was there a way to do it on a larger scale?
I found that larger scale after I arrived at Carnegie Mellon in 1997 as an associate professor of computer science. My specialty was "human-computer interaction," and I created a course called "Building Virtual Worlds," or BVW for short.
The premise was not so far removed from the Mickey Rooney/Judy Garland idea of "Let's put on a show," only it was updated for the age of computer graphics, 3-D animation and the construction of what we called immersive, helmet-based, interactive virtual reality worlds. |