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发表于 2016-7-10 00:13:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
What is your business? Your business refers to something which makes you always busy.
          And what is your occupaton? Your occupation is something which occupies most of your time.
          首先列出我们要探讨的几个对象:calling, vocation, business, occupation.
          Jane:   No! I can't go back to school. I'll never go back. I'll run away!
          Dr. Rivet:   You know what duty is, don't you ? Duty is what you have to do, even when you don't want to do it. I didn't want to go out in a snowstorm to visit a sick child, but…… I know I have to go because it's my duty. Now what is your duty, Jane
          Jane:   I don't know.
          Dr. Rivet:   Yes, you do, Jane. In your heart you know prefectly well. Your duty is to prepare yourself to do God's work in the world, isn't that true? And who can do God's work? An ignorant woman, or an educated one? Yes, you know the answer to that. And where can you get an education, Jane? Where?
          Jane:    At school.
          Dr. Rivet: Precisely, so you know you have to go back to school.
          在西方基督教的观念里,每一个人所从事的职业都是在给上帝工作。就连Jane这样的小孩也从小被教育长大后要 to do God's work in the world.每个人都要响应上帝的感召——calling.比如护士(nurse)就是在为上帝工作,世界上原本没有护士这个职业,因为世界上原本没有医院。早期医院的工作是由教会承担的,教会出于上帝的仁慈收留老弱病残,交由修女(nun)照看。后来科技发达了,医院从教会里独立出来,修女摇身一变,成了护士。大概是变的太快,服装都没来得及换。大家不难发现,护士的服装和修女没有大的差别,在西方的大医院里,她们的衣服几乎没什么差别。
          在英国,sister 既可以指护士,也可以指修女。又比如:牧羊人(pastor)是受上帝安排来牧羊的,同样牧师(pastor)也是受上帝安排来牧人的。为什么不同的人有不同的天份,在择业时有不同的兴趣,原因是上帝对他们有不同的calling.
          有的同学把vocation和vacation 有时不能区分清楚。voc 是拉丁词根,意思为call,所以vocation 地本意就是calling from God.而vac是empty的意思,如:vaccum (真空),vacant (空洞的),evacuate(疏散,使空)。
          由此可见,既然工作是在响应上帝的感召,vocation 就具有很强烈的使命感,与work 和 job 在意思上有很大的差别。是先有信仰,而后有工作的一种职业。西方人的职业化精神是起源于基督教伦理的,正是这种精神推动资本主义前进和繁荣。(见马克思韦伯:?基督教伦理和资本主义精神?)。
          不妨再看一下,在现代社会我们对职业的称谓:business, occupation.
          What is your business? Your business refers to something which makes you always busy.
          And what is your occupaton? Your occupation is something which occupies most of your time.
          更悲惨的是,在我们的工作中,就连原始人在他们的工作中所能享受的乐趣也荡然无存。原始人的工作将work 和recreation 结合到了一起。罗素在其 On human nature and politics 中写到:
          When a man spent a long day with very primitive weapons in stalking a deer with the hope of dinner and when , at the end of the day, he dragged the carcase triumphantly to his cave, he sank down in contented weariness, while his wife dressed and cooked the meat. He was sleepy, and his bones ached, and the smell of cooking filled every nook and cranny of his consciousness. …… In such a life there was neither time nor energy for boredom.
          职业之于现代人,最大的悲剧就是work 和recreation 的分离。对很多人而言,文明变成了一种负担,比如手机变成了栓狗的绳子。我的一位朋友工作十几年了,依然拒绝使用手机。

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