【标准美音 Editorial】01-24-2012
A New Day For Burma
Jim Mee, right, and Nilar Thein, center, activists of the 88 Generation Students Group, gets welcomed by their daughter, left, at Yangon airport after being released from prison Friday, Jan.13, 2012.
President Barack Obama
Nay Pyi Taw
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
BurmeseKeeping its pledge to meet action with action, the United States is moving to restore full diplomatic relations with Burma, following important steps taken recently by the civilian government there on the path toward democracy.
'In Indonesia, I spoke about the flickers of progress that were emerging in Burma,' President Barack Obama said after receiving news that some 650 prisoners would be released from Burma's jails, including over 200 political activists. 'Today, that light burns a bit brighter, as prisoners are reunited with their families and people can see a democratic path forward. Much more remains to be done to meet the aspirations for the Burmese people, but the United States is committed to continuing our engagement with the government in Nay Pyi Taw.'
The president asked Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to take additional steps to build confidence in our sincerity with the government and people of Burma. Exchanging ambassadors will help strengthen our efforts to support the reforms seen there since the military government ceded control to civilian rule. The U.S. had an ambassador in Burma from the time it gained independence from Britain until 1990, when a military junta suspended the constitution. |