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沪江专访知名话剧导演Thomas Caron:莎翁魅力 历久弥新









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发表于 2016-8-2 09:46:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

        近日,上海英语剧团SRT剧社(Shanghai Repertory Theater)推出的莎士比亚名剧《第十二夜》(Twelfth Night)在上海上演。沪江网有幸请到该剧导演,研究莎士比亚戏剧长达45年之久的Thomas Caron先生做客沪江,和我们一起聊一聊这次上演的《第十二夜》,以及他钟爱的莎士比亚。
        1. what brought you to Shanghai to do this?
        I've been coming in China for a few years for personal reasons. On my very first day, I knew this is where I wanted to live. So I arranged first teaching, in Pudong. And I did that for a year. Then I eventually moved to Puxi, and teaching drama to children in an association with Shanghai theater academy, that's my principal employment. I'm also working with the English Repertory Theater, company theater, there's two.
        Because I thought my acting life is over when I came to China. But it's been just the opposite. I've been performing a lot. Some of the great great plays, had some opportunities to direct. This is the right decision for me.
        2. What is your motivation to not only bring Shakespeare to Shanghai, but also do a Chinese version?
        Well, I didn't choose to do it. This is the theater company, the producer choose to do this play, and she asked me to direct it. I've been involved with productions in Twelfth Night, this is my fifth production, as a producer or an actor. If I was been to choose my own play to do it, I probably choose something else. But this is a very, very popular play. It's good if you want to sale tickets to make money, cause people want to see this play. And I've directed before, I've directed seven years ago, in Massachusetts. So I'm very familiar with it. My goal in coming to China is to work with Chinese actors in Chinese. I didn't want to rush it. I wanted to just let things develop. And I always thought that when I came to the point where I'm ready to direct the Chinese actors in a Chinese Shakespeare play, this would be the play I would do. Because I was familiar with it; because it has a relatively small number of people in it; and it's a very popular play! So by coincidence when I was asked to direct this play in English, I thought now it's the time to do it in Chinese. Because I've built the set, I got all the props, and I can use them again. So, we've met with the Chinese actors, they seemed have great interests in it. It's not 100% guaranteed, but it's looking good. And within a few weeks when the show I'm doing now is over, we'll meet and do rehearsals. Most of the Chinese actors I'm working with speak some English, some speaks very good English, one of them don't speak any at all. But...and my Chinese is basic. But I know the play, and I have my script, with Chinese on the side. I know what they're saying. I know the play upside down, backward; I know this play so well. So even if I don't know each Chinese word, I know the speeches they are saying, because I know this play so well.
        3. You don’t speak Chinese, and most actors and actress in the Chinese version do not have many experiences in acting, how do you plan to overcome these problems?
        No they don't. A lot of them have some kind of performing experiences. There are some comedians, some poets...but actually I see this is a good thing, because it’s better to work with people who have no experiences than people who have bad habits. And the strongest challenge working with the English-speaking actors are that they all come from different backgrounds, they all have different ideas of how to do the work, they all have different vocabularies. I don’t think I’ve been 100% successful when getting them all pointed to the same direction. So when you work for people who are a blank slate, you can get them understand the way I work and the way I want them to work right from the beginning in a way, because everybody is talented, I believe that everybody has a talent, you know, so this is not a question of talent. I can get a good performance out of anybody if they listen to me and try to do what I ask them to do. So I think as long as they have the enthusiasm and good voices and attractive people, I think we'll be a very good show.

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发表于 2016-8-2 11:04:07 | 显示全部楼层

        4. Why do you like Cymbeline best?
        Cymbeline is my favorite play in the world. Because it has everything. Shakespeare wrote..people understand, Shakespeare comedies and tragedies and histories. But his last 4 plays are different from comedies and tragedies and histories, they're called "Romances". We don't use that word in a way that we use it now, it doesn't mean romantic love, it means they're sort of fairy tales. They began tragically but have happy ending.
        For many years, people thought that Shakespeare was going up up up, get writing in greater greater and better better place and then he got old and tired and wrote these fool silly plays in the end. They thought something happened people didn't like these plays, they didn't understand these plays, but the fact is he just kept going up and up, he never stop. People still teach in colleges that these plays are lesser plays but they are not, because they contain everything. They have tragedy, they have comedy, they have magic, they have fantasy. For me, they're also the most theatrical plays. They're not trying to create a real believable world, they are fairy tales.
        Cymbeline is a play that has everything in it. It's magical, t's beautiful, it's funny that the great English poetist of the 19th century, Alfred, Lord Tennyson, when he was buried, he made sure he was buried with this copy of Cymbeline. So some people do love it as much as I do, but most people never heard of it, most people still don't know it. But I would like to that actually here in china.
        5. Your favorite work Cymbeline, as well as the Twelfth night, is a play with strong female characters. What do you find unique about the female characters in Shakespeare’s plays?

        Shakespeare wrote strong characters periods, that's what makes them interesting, that's why Shakespeare has lasted four hundred years, not because teachers say he's a great writer, you must study him, it's because actors want to act these parts. That's why Shakespeare’s' are always enduring.
        As for the female characters, they won't be played by females, they're all played by boys. All of them in Shakespeare's day, women were not allowed on the stage. So in 12th night you would have a boy playing a girl pretending to be a boy. So at the same all the other plays would have woman-dressed man. So I don't know that Shakespeare’s female characters are any stronger than his male characters.
        I know in 12th night, to me, the central, the heart of the play is the two female characters, the woman who was in love with a girl-dressed boy. With all these crazy things going on, people get mixed up. but to me it's about two women. if you took the two women out of the play, then you would have like comedy of heirs in earlier Shakespeare's play, which is the same idea, people getting mixed up or people who looked the same. But it's the relationship (between) these two very strong women, one is named Olivia, one is named viola. Those names are almost anagrams; same letters spell the same word. Olivia spells "i-viola".
        So Shakespeare's telling us something, he's telling us that they're very alike, they're very intelligent. They both have lost their brother, or Viola thinks she has lost her brother. And they're both terribly lonely. So the relationship between these two women: how they change, how they are drawn to each other, is to me what the play is all about. It's a lot comedy in the play, but people would laugh at anything, so the comedy is fun, and it's good to have strong actors doing it. But to me, as I said, the emotional heart of the play is these two lonely women who are drawn to each other, there are different reasons.
        6. I heard you started reading Shakespeare in a very young age. Why is Shakespeare attractive to you when you were only 8? What has changed about your attraction?

        It's interesting that I discovered Shakespeare in the library when I first got my first library card. I saw he's on special sections. I must have heard of him, I think everybody has heard of him, even Chinese kids could name Romeo and Juliet. but I saw all these books-40 books, and I was attracted to them as a reader as far as my ego more than anything else I just knew for right away that if I could understand these books then I could understand anything in English. so I think that was the challenge, it wasn't anything like do acting or performing. It was wanting to know. all these books were obviously set aside, means very special in the library. then I thought if I could understand what's on these pages then I could understand anything. That I think was the appeal.
        It was only later in my life when an old professional theater opened in my hometown and i'm not sure why I was drawn to it, but I went there and I knew immediately this was going to be my life. The people there, and it's funny to say this, but in a way they were the first real people I’ve ever met. They were authentic artists, people who were serious about their work. and it was not about being silly Hollywood movie stars or something, it was about real work. They set me on my path, set me on my directions, set me to the right teachers. I realize before I was 15 that i'd probably done little skip some places and schools, but until that moment I never realize this is something you could do in your life, seriously. so that was it for me.
        It's like living a life of monk, there's no guarantee of fame and fortune, and in a way that's been better for me as an actor. i've worked in Hollywood, I have done a few films, I had contracts, studio, made a lot of money. but if i, let's say, was 27 and became a big tv star, I would never have done Shakespeare to this degree. but i've done him, I exploited him. You get sidetrack by all of that. and though I still believe I will do very well in china, i'm a better actor for not having that kind of career. i've been around it, i've been basked against it, but it's always been the theaters for me. I love the movies, I won't turn down the movie, but for me it's the theatre.
        Nothing has changed. It’s Shakespeare’s limitless, you can't run a well dry(沪江小编注:The well's run dry. 英语谚语,形容一种资源枯竭). There’s always more to learn and more to understand, I think we're still catching up with Shakespeare, there're plays like "Timon of Athens"(雅典的泰门). Nobody likes this play, nobody understands this play, I think it's a wonderful and great play. We haven't caught up it, Shakespeare is still ahead of us, it's a Buddhist play, it's got Buddhist philosophy. But people don't understand that, they don't know, so Shakespeare is still ahead of us, for hundred years we're still catching up. I think someday may be Timon will be appreciated. it'a very modern play, it's in two halves: black and white. So I don't know if I can say my attitude has changed, I'm always happy to explore Shakespeare, there's always more to learn. This is my 5th time run 12th night, it's 6th time doing it in Chinese, and i'll still be discovering. It can't exhaust me.
        而对于莎士比亚,他一直以来都吸引着我,没有改变。我想莎士比亚的戏剧走在我们的时代之前,我们还在追赶着他(的思想)。比如他有一部晚期作品,叫做《雅典的泰门》(Timon of Athens),没人喜欢这部作品。这部作品中包含了一些佛教的思想,没人真的懂。所以我想莎士比亚还走在我们前面。这次中文版的《第十二夜》将是我第六次接触这部作品了,但我仍然觉得有新东西值得挖掘和探索。
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