Smartphone zombies move about the world on autopilot, their eyes fixed on their devices.智能手机僵尸们借着自动导航遍行世界,目不转睛盯着手头设备。
At least 10 percent of pedestrian injuries are due to cell-phone distraction, according to emergency-room data, and an estimated six deaths per year can now be blamed on the same.急诊室数据称,至少有10%的行人受伤是因玩手机分心所致;同样,每年估计有六例死亡要归咎于此。
A recent pedestrian safety survey shows that 80 percent of American adults agree that distracted walkers are a “serious” problem — and yet only 29 percent of these very same adults believed themselves to be part of this problem.最近一份行人安全调查显示,80%的美国成年人认同走路分心者问题“严重”,但同样还是这批成年人,仅29%的受访者认为问题出在自己身上。
It's a pretty perfect example of something psychologists call the self-enhancement bias, a term describing the embarrassingly stubborn belief that you are better than the average.这就是心理学家所说的“自我增强偏见”极好的一例,即人们执拗地认为自己比一般人要好,这一术语描述的正是这一固执又令人大囧的想法。
Westerners tended to be more likely than the East Asians to "consistently view themselves in a more positive light"; and "to see themselves as uniquely talented and possessing desirable personality traits." 比之东亚人,西方人更倾向于“一以贯之积极地评价自我”、"视自己天赋异禀、与众不同、个性讨喜"。
Psychologists have argued that people's tendency to believe that they are better drivers than most can also make them mistakenly believe that they are really good at texting while driving, a "skill" that almost no one is actually very good at and that puts the driver and everyone else on the road in serious danger.心理学家称,自认为驾驶技术高人一筹者也更容易误以为自己善于边开车边发短信,实则并没人能掌握开车短信两不误的“技能”,因而两者并行置司机与行人于危险境地。
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