A survey of more than 2,000 people living in the UK has found that those with a higher IQ are more likely to live a longer life.一项调查研究了2000多名住在英国的人士,发觉智商高的人更有可能长寿。
Even when factors such as economic status and employment level were accounted for, the smarter kids ended up living longer than those with lower IQs.即便把经济地位和工作水平等因素考虑在内,聪慧的小孩也要比智商低的活得长久。
Researchers analysed data from the Scottish Mental Surveys - in which almost every 11-year-old in Scotland was given the same IQ test on the same day in 1932 - and tracked the participants' lives up to when they passed away. The numbers show that someone with an IQ of 115 at age 11 was 21 percent more likely to be alive at the age of 76 than someone with an IQ of 100.苏格兰心理调查称,1932年,几乎每个11岁小孩都接受了同样的智商测试,数据跟踪了这些参与研究的对象,直至其过世。研究人员对数据作了分析,数据显示,11岁时智商115者,比之智商100的人,其活到76岁的概率要高21个百分点。
There are some interesting hypotheses: one is that intelligent people are more likely to strap themselves in while driving, choose to eat a healthy diet, avoid smoking, and exercise more often.有一些有意思的假说称:聪明人更有可能开车时系好安全带、选择健康饮食、避免吸烟、运动也更多。
Alternatively, it could be that genes are contributing to the link between IQ and longevity.此外,或许是基因导致智商和长寿有关联。
It's a complicated area of science, particularly as an IQ score doesn't necessarily directly represent intelligence, and can be affected by social class, education standards, and other cultural factors.这一科学领域复杂,尤其是由于智商分数并不直接代表智力,智商有可能受到社会阶级、教育水平和其他文化因素的影响。
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