A new study strengthens the theory that men often feel threatened when they have female bosses — so much so that they respond aggressively.一项新的研究巩固了这样一个理论——当老板为女性时,男性通常会感到受到了威胁,这种感觉太过强烈以至于他们会做出极具进攻性的回应。
Men pushed for bigger salaries when negotiating with a woman, and while they were happy to offer the lion's share of a bonus to a male boss, they were far less generous to a female supervisor.当与女性协商工资的时候,男性会想要更高的工资;而当他们与男性老板商谈时则很乐意奉献出自己红利的最大分额——他们对于男性管理者要慷慨大方得多。
The findings add to an already large body of evidence supporting the idea that men, in general, don't like being bossed around by women, says Ekaterina Netchaeva, an assistant professor of management and technology at Bocconi University in Milan, Italy, who led the study.意大利米兰博科尼大学的一位管理与技术的教授助理叶卡捷琳娜·内特查耶娃发起了这项研究并称,这项研究的发现为支持这样一种现象提供了大量的证据——通常情况下,男性不喜欢被女性颐气指使地对待。
That's important to understand as women take on more and more management positions, Netchaeva and colleagues write in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.内特查耶娃和他的同事们在《人格与社会心理公报》上写道,随着女性占领了越来越多的管理层的职位,理解也变得越发重要。
"Even men who support gender equality may see these advances as a threat to their masculinity, whether they consciously acknowledge it or not," Netchaeva said.“即使是支持性别平等的男性也有可能会将这一趋势看作对于他们男子气概的一种威胁,无论他们有意识地承认与否。”内特查耶娃说。
"Precarious manhood theory postulates that manhood is 'elusive' and 'tenuous'. In other words, manhood is not something that is guaranteed to be achieved with age, nor is it guaranteed to remain. Instead, men must continuously prove their manhood."“危险男子气概理论假定男子气概是‘难以捉摸’且‘脆弱不堪’的。换句话说,男子气概并不会随着年龄而被保证能够获得或者保留。相反,男性必须不断地证明自己的男子气概。”
The findings have big real-world implications, Netchaeva said. "The ideal woman is not perceived as having what it takes for a leadership role," her team wrote. "Indeed, research suggests that the mere indication that a female leader is successful in her position leads to increased ratings of her selfishness, deceitfulness, and coldness."内特查耶娃说,这些研究具有重大的现实意义。“理想的女性并不被认为能够胜任领导角色,”他的团队写道。“事实上,研究仅仅表明了女性领导者在其岗位上的成功导致了对于她的自私、狡诈已经冷漠的评分的增加。”
"In an ideal world, men and organizations would be concerned by these findings and adjust their behavior accordingly. But if they don't, where does that leave women?" Netchaeva said. "Given the strong societal norms surrounding masculinity, it may be difficult for men to recognize or change their behavior."“在一个理想的世界中,男性和组织机构会关注这些研究的发现并相应地调整他们的行为举止。但是如果他们不这样做的话,女性应该如何应对呢?”内特查耶娃说道,“鉴于社会对于男子气概的强烈规范,让男人承认自己的行为有所改变并不是一件易事。” |