If you want to know whether a man is interested in you, ignore what he’s saying – and focus on how he’s saying it.如果你想知道一个男人是否对你有意思,请忽略他对你说了什么——只注意他是怎么对你说话的。
Men instinctively adopt a pitch-variable, or sing-song tone – in a similar way that people speak to a baby – when talking to a woman they find attractive, a new study has found.最新研究表明,当男人看到自己觉得有魅力的女性时,他会不自觉的使用一种时高时低,像唱歌一般的声调——有些类似人们和婴儿说话时使用的音调。
The man will lower his voice to its lowest minimum pitch before picking it up again, the psychologists at the University of Stirling found.斯特灵大学的心理学家发现,男性会将自己的声调压到最低的程度,然后再把声调上扬起来。
And these unconscious vocal adjustments tend to have the desired effect: listeners responded more favourably to recordings of voices with these acoustics.这种无意识的音调转化往往能达到预期的效果:听众对具有这种音调变化的声音更有好感。
The psychologists think that a man lowers his voice to sound manly, and then plays around with the pitch in order to put the woman at ease.心理学家认为,男人放低声音是为了听起来更阳刚,然后他们又转而将音调上扬,以此让女性更加放松。
Juan David Leongomez, who led the study, said: ‘For men, it is important to sound masculine, which is manifested in a deeper voice pitch.这项研究的研究带头人,胡安·大卫·里昂戈麦斯说:“对男性来说,说话声调有男子气概是很重要的,他们会用更低沉的音调来表现这种男子气概。” |