On a diet? Then consider sitting by the window the next time you eat out.你正在节食减肥吗?那么,下次去外面吃饭的时候,你应该考虑坐在餐厅的橱窗旁边。
A new book claims that where you sit in a restaurant can affect how many calories you consume.一本新出版的书告诉我们,你在餐厅里坐的位置或可能影响你摄入的卡路里数值。
The researchers measured and mapped the layout of each restaurant and then used meal checks to track what diners ordered and how it related to where they sat.研究者们对每家餐厅的桌椅布置进行了测绘,然后通过菜单记录食客们所点的饭菜,研究他们点的饭菜与餐厅座位的相互关系。
The results were telling: people sitting farthest from the front door ate the fewest salads and were 73 per cent more likely to order dessert.研究结果显示:座位离正门最远的食客吃的沙拉是最少的,而且他们点甜品的几率比其他食客高73%。
Those seated at a dark table or booth ate heavier food and ordered more of it, while diners seated at high-top bar tables ordered more salads and fewer desserts.坐在光线阴暗的两人桌边或坐在多人桌边的食客吃的更加油腻,点的东西也更多,而坐在吧台的高脚凳上的食客吃的沙拉比较多,吃的甜点比较少。
'The darker it is, the more "invisible" you might feel, the less easy it is to see how much you're eating and the less conspicuous or guilty you might feel,' Professor Wansink explains in the book.辛克博士在书中这样写道:“进餐的光线越暗,你就越感觉自己是‘隐形’的,人们不容易察觉你吃了多少东西,你就会感到自己并不显眼,负罪感也会减少。”
In contrast, 'seeing the sunlight, people or trees outside might make you more conscious of how you look, might make you think about walking or might prompt a green salad.'相反,“看到橱窗外的阳光,行人或者树木,会让你更在意自己的形象,也许会让你想要去散散步,或者让你想点个清淡的沙拉。”
And if there are TV sets in the restaurant, steer clear. Professor Wansink found that the closer a table was to a screen, the more fried food the diners ordered.如果餐厅里有电视,赶紧躲开。辛克博士发现,食客坐的桌子离电视越近,他们点的油炸食物就越多。
The researchers also noted that slim diners chewed around 15 times per mouthful, three chews more than heavier diners. By eating more slowly, the diner consumes less in the time it takes for the brain to register satiety.研究者们还注意到,身材苗条的食客们每吃一口食物大概咀嚼15次,比身型肥胖的食客们多咀嚼三次。由于吃饭速度比较慢,苗条的食客在大脑感到满足所需要的时间理摄入的食物更少一些。 |