With February well upon us, it seems that those New Year's diets are failing fast.随着二月份到来,不少人新年时制定的合理膳食计划似乎很快被抛之脑后。
A new survey has revealed that half of Britons have already ditched the diet they started last month and it's afternoon snacking that's to blame.一项新的调查表明,一半的英国人没有延续一月份的饮食规律,这都是下午的零食惹的祸。
New research has identified 4.12pm as the time of day that people are most likely to wreck their diets by indulging on unhealthy foods with crisps, biscuits, cake and chocolate being named as the biggest downfalls.新研究发现一天中的下午4:12,人们最容易沉溺在薯片、饼干、蛋糕和巧克力等不健康食品中,这些是导致原有饮食习惯遭到破坏的罪魁祸首。
But rather than blaming ourselves for the afternoon downfall, we're pointing the finger at others.但饮食失衡除了责怪我们自己,其他人也是重要因素。
Over a third of those surveyed blamed their partner while one in ten blame colleagues for 'forcing' unhealthy snacks on them in the workplace.超过三分之一的人将此归咎于自己的伙伴们,其中十分之一的人抱怨同事们在工作场合“强迫”自己吃不健康食品。
Over a quarter attributed lack of flavour in their healthy meals as the reason they craved afternoon snacks, and 36 per cent said seeing other people snacking made it harder to curb the cravings.超过四分之一的人将自己下午吃零食归咎于正餐味道不好,36%的人则表示看到其他人吃零食,自己就更难克制(不吃零食)。
Men, however, do seem to have more willpower when it comes to diets with over two thirds (69 per cent) sticking to their diet one month in, compared to 63 per cent of women.不过,男性坚持正常饮食的意志力比女性更强,超过三分之二(69%)的男性能在一个月内坚持规律饮食,而同样能做到这样的女性比率为63%。
'Sticking to a diet, for some people, can be tricky and understanding that 4.12pm is the time people crave sweet and unhealthy snacks, means that you should be prepared for this so you don’t ruin a diet plan,' said Nutritionist Dora Walsh of the study by Seasonal Berries.参与《Seasonal Berries》这一研究的营养学家Dora Walsh说道:“对于一些人来说,坚持合理饮食的习惯很难,在下午4:12想吃甜食和不健康零食也是可以理解的,这就是说你得做好准备,以防破坏合理饮食计划。”
'At this point in the day, blood sugar can be low and cause you to crave sweet treats but doing things like eating little and often throughout the day and having pre-prepared snacks can help.'“在一天中的这个时候,体内血糖很低,这会促使你想吃甜食。不过在一天里少食多餐和吃点儿提前准备好的小食会很有帮助。”
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