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论保暖的重要性 天鹅冻住嘴险饿死









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发表于 2016-7-31 14:11:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Rescuers were forced to save a swan after ice formed around its beak when it fell asleep in a Chinese river where temperatures fell as low as minus eight.在中国,一只天鹅在零下八度的气温下在河里睡着了,结果它的喙上结了一层冰,人们不得不对其进行救助。
        Stunned locals snapped the bizarre sight after spotting the bird swimming around in the water with ducks in the city of Korla in north western China's Xinjiang province.在中国西北部的新疆库尔勒市 ,当地人发现这只嘴被冻住的天鹅和一群鸭子一起游水,人们惊讶的目瞪口呆,拍下了这幅诡异的景象。
        Yong Hsieh who went to feed the ducks with his wife spotted the swan after throwing bread in the water and realising it couldn't open its beak.勇谢和他的妻子去给河里的鸭子喂食的时候发现了这只天鹅,他们把面包渣投入水中,天鹅却没有来吃,他们这才意识到它的喙被冻住了。
        Worried that the bird would starve to death, Mr Yong called city officials who sent in a team from the Swan Guard.勇先生担心这只天鹅会饿死,就给市管理当局去了一个电话,管理当局派来了一只天鹅监管队。
        The Swan Guard are responsible for the feeding of hundreds of swans, which migrate to the Kongque River in Korla every winter from the Bayanbulak region, 250 miles away.这只天鹅监管队的职责就是喂养这数百只天鹅,这些天鹅每年冬天都会从250公里之外的巴音布鲁克地区迁徙到库尔勒的孔雀河。



        Swan Guard Sheng Liang added: 'I have been caring for swans for years and I admit that this is the first time I have every come across anything like this.天鹅监管队的成员盛良补充说:“我看管这些天鹅已经有几年了,不过我承认,这还是我第一次遇到这种情况。”
        'We think it must have happened when she fell asleep with a wet beak.'“我们觉得事情的起因可能是,它睡着的时候喙上沾了水。”
        'We managed to lure her towards us with some food and then took her to our swan house where we care for injured or sick swans.Once there, we put her in a warm room and waited for the ice to melt.'“我们用食物设法把它引诱到了我们身边,然后把它带到了我们的天鹅监管室里。一到那里,我们就把它放进了暖房,等着它喙上的冰自然融化掉。”
        'Its lucky that we were informed because in these temperatures it's very unlikely that the ice would have melted if she had stayed outside.Once she could open her beak again we gave her a special treat of fish before taking her back to the river.' “幸运的是有人向我们报告了此事,因为在这样的气温下,如果它一直呆在室外,喙上的冰是不可能融化的。当它能张开喙的时候,我们喂了它许多鱼、让它美餐一顿,然后把它放回到河里去了。”
        Temperatures have fallen so low in northern China lately even the sea has frozen, in some places up to 20 miles out from the shore.在中国的北方地区,气温已经低到不可思议的地步,以至于连海水都结冰了,有的地方,结冰的海域远及离岸二十公里的地区。

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