Koala in a tea cup: Nestled into a cup, with his tiny paws clasping the edge, this happy koala called Raymond contentedly suckles on a tiny bottle.茶杯里的考拉:坐在杯子里用爪子紧紧抓住边缘,这只名叫雷蒙德的快乐小考拉心满意足地吸吮着奶瓶里的奶。
But just a month ago the future did not look so positive for Raymond - he was found weak and abandoned on a roadside in Brisbane. 但就在一个月前,对于雷蒙德而言,未来看上去没有这么美好:它被遗弃在澳大利亚城市布里斯班的路边,被发现时十分虚弱。
It is believed his mother had either been hit by a car or was too ill to care for the 2/3-month-old.据推测它的母亲可能是被车撞了,也有可能是太不关心自己这个不满一个月的孩子。
Named after the man who discovered him, Raymond was dehydrated and skinny, and weighed just 260g. 小考拉雷蒙德是以那个发现他的男子的命名的。他被发现的那会儿已经脱水,骨瘦如柴,体重仅260克。
Initially, carers feared that the tiny animal wouldn't survive because he weighed so little and wouldn't feed properly. 一开始,照顾他的护工们都担心这个小家伙不能存活,因为它太小太轻了了很难喂养。
Julie Zyzniewski, who is looking after Raymond said: 'He had to be coaxed to feed. He was frail and his future was uncertain. '负责照顾雷蒙德的朱莉·伊妮维思奇说:“必须哄着才能喂它。它很虚弱,将来真的不好说。”
Luxury life: Raymond spends his days sitting at Julie's desk, where she is able to feed him his diet of special bottle formula every three hours 奢华生活:雷蒙德一整天都在朱莉的桌上度过,在这里朱莉可以每三小时喂它一次特殊配方的食物。
Positive future: Julie Zyzniewski said: 'Suddenly, one day he decided life wasn't so bad and he has been absolutely powering along ever since'.美好未来:朱莉·伊妮维思奇说:“突然有一天他发现日子没那么坏,从此他就完全开始独立生活了。”
He is a welcome addition to the workplace and Julie's boss Paulette Jones has a soft spot for wildlife and has embraced having the happy koala recuperate in the office.它在朱莉工作的地方很受欢迎,朱莉的老板波莱特·琼斯对野生动物情有独钟,很高兴地接受了这只快乐的小考拉在办公室养病。 |