This friendly bear cub raised a furry paw to wave at surprised animal lovers.这只小熊举起毛茸茸的爪子,友好的摆手打招呼,这一举动让动物爱好者们惊喜不已。
The young female grizzly bear made the cute gesture as she braved chilly glacier water to watch her mother catch salmon. Photographer Kevin Dietrich, 33, said he will remember the exciting moment forever.这是一只年轻的雌性灰熊,它半浸在小河里刺骨的冰山融水里,跟妈妈学习如何捕捉鲑鱼。33岁的摄影师凯文·迪特里希说,自己永远不会忘记这激动人心的一刻。
It was also a nerve-wracking experience for the real estate broker, as the hungry mother bear swam towards him several times.这位摄影师同时还是一位房地产经纪人,他说这隽永的时刻不仅温馨,还危机四伏——腹中空空的熊妈妈数次朝摄影师游过来。
Mr Dietrich, who was with his brother on a trip to Chugach National Forest, Alaska, said: 'My reaction was one of pure excitement and disbelief. I've often thought about seeing a bear cub standing on its rear legs like a human does, but I truly didn't expect to ever get a photograph of it.'迪特里希和哥哥一同来阿拉斯加州的中心国家森林旅行,他说,“我看到小熊招手的第一反应是兴奋无比,不敢置信。我经常想到,可能会看到小熊像人一样后脚站立,但我完全没有想到能拍到这样一张照片。”
'I certainly never dreamed I'd get an image of one 'waving' at me while standing in a river waiting for it's mother to bring back a salmon. As the cub stood up I knew this was my opportunity to get a photograph I would cherish and remember for a lifetime.'“我从没想到自己能拍摄到这样的照片——一只站在小河里,等着妈妈抓条鲑鱼给它吃的小熊对我摆手打招呼。当这只小熊站起来的时候,我意识到这是一个机遇,我会拍下一张永远珍惜永远铭记的照片。” |