This intrepid pet rabbit has been racking up the hare miles visiting beauty spots stretching from Edinburgh to the Isle of Skye with his owner.从爱丁堡到美丽的苏格兰岛屿斯凯岛,这只勇敢的宠物兔和主人一起,走过了不少旅程,看过了很多美丽的风景。
Mini lop rabbit Jared has toured many of Scotland's most famous sights with Korrasut Khopuangklang, often taking in the views from his vantage point in a basket attached to the front of the law student's bicycle.迷你垂耳兔杰瑞德被主人Korrasut Khopuangklang带在身边,一起游览了苏格兰许多著名的景点,他舒服地卧在主人自行车前部的篮子里,位置得天独厚,也经常会出现在主人拍下的美丽照片中。Khopuangklang是一位法律专业的学生。
Over the past three years Mr Khopuangklang has photographed his pet at attractions including Edinburgh Castle, Glencoe, and the beaches of North Berwick, and the final year student has now put London on the pair's list of places to visit.在过去的三年里,Khopuangklang带着这只垂耳兔,足迹踏遍爱丁堡城堡、格伦科高地、北贝里克海滩,在这些风景如画的旅游胜地给萌兔拍了很多照片。Khopuangklang现在在大学修读最后一年的课程,伦敦是这对二人组旅行的下一站。
The travelling is all done without a hutch as Mr Khopuangklang usually carries Jared along on his bike or in the car. The Edinburgh University student says Jared takes it all in his stride.在旅行的过程中,Khopuangklang不会把兔子杰瑞德关起来,一般都是带在自行车或是汽车里。这位来自爱丁堡大学的学生表示旅行中的杰瑞德非常的自在。
He said: 'He just loves to sit completely still and be photographed. He's very patient. When I take him out to the park he sits in a basket on the handlebars of my bicycle. He loves the outdoors and doesn't mind being in the car on the longer journeys.'他这样说道:“杰瑞德会静静地坐着不动,任由我拍照。他非常有耐心,带他去公园的时候,他就带着自行车把手上的篮子里。他喜欢户外,长途旅行时待着车里他也不会介意。”
Jared has also become a bit of a star on YouTube with his unflappable photo session sitting in a flower pot.杰瑞德淡定的坐在花盆中的拍照场景也让他在YouTube视频网站上成了一位小新星。
And the roving rabbit's sightseeing salad days look set to continue as Korrasut plans to take him further afield.这只可爱兔子的观光之旅可能还会继续下去,因为他的主人打算带他去更远一些的地方。
He said: 'He loves travelling and I'd like to take him to other places. He'd look great posing at Stonehenge or in front of the Houses of Parliament, although that might be too far for him.' 他表示:“杰瑞德喜欢旅行,我也想要带他去很多不同的地方。我在想如果带他去史前时期巨石群或国会大厦前拍照,他应该会看起来非常赞,不过这些地方确实都有点远了。” |