It may be cold outside but these red pandas made the most of their fur coats and enjoyed a play fight in the snow.外面也许很冷,不过这两只小熊猫把它们的皮毛“外套” 利用到了最大限度,尽情地享受雪地大战。
The creatures were snapped rolling around in the grounds of a Vienna zoo as they showed off their strength and speed in the friendly tussle.这两个小东西在地上翻来滚去地“友好交手”,展示力量和速度,在维也纳动物园的这一幕被拍摄下来。
In scenes similar to the martial arts DreamWorks animation Kung Fu Panda, the male and female red pandas dodged and pounced as they each tried to outwit their opponent.和梦工厂动画片《功夫熊猫》中的场景相类似,这一公一母的两只小熊猫或躲避对方攻击、或突然猛扑过去,想要以智取胜。
The sparring partners were spotted by Austrian photographer, Josef Gelernter.这一对打架的小熊猫是由奥地利摄影师Josef Gelernter拍摄下来的。
The father-of-two said: 'It was as though the snow had stimulated their urge to play, just like children really.Josef Gelernter是两个孩子的父亲,他说道:“这简直像是雪地激起了它们的玩心,真的就像小孩一样。
'They were very lively and even had to take breaks in between to regain their strength. They took some time out to eat carrots and bamboo and then starting fighting all over again.'“它们都非常活泼,甚至还会休息一会恢复体力。它们会在中途吃些萝卜、吃些玉米,然后重新进入打斗状态。”
'They were moving really quickly so it was quite difficult to capture but I think I managed to get some nice shots,' said Mr Gelernter.Gelernter先生说:“它们速度真的非常快,很难捕捉到镜头,不过我认为我还是拍到了一些好照片。”
But even the most ferocious fighter has to give in to tiredness at some point. 'The pandas repeated this about five or six times before exhausting themselves and falling asleep,' said Mr Gelernter.不过即使是最勇猛的格斗家也会有累到打不动的时候。“这两只小熊猫这样打了五六次,打得累坏了,之后就睡着了。”Gelernter先生说。
'The male panda wanted to carry on playing but the female was clearly very tired so he gave up in the end.“公的小熊猫还想继续玩,不过母的小熊猫显然已经很累了,所以它们最后就没有再玩下去。”
'It was such a joy watching them play, the snow seemed to really bring out the life in them.“看它们玩真的是一件乐事,雪好像让它们变得更活泼了。”
'It was simply amazing, I could have watched them for hours. They looked so cute.'“这简直是太不可思议了,我简直可以好几个小时就这样看下去。它们真的太可爱了。”
Unlike their distant cousins, giant pandas, red pandas are not much bigger than a domestic cat.和它们的远房亲戚大熊猫不同的是,小熊猫的体形比起家猫大不了多少。
They are usually quite shy, but these two were snapped during mating season - usually January to March - when the creatures are more willing to socialise.它们一般都很怕生,不过这两只小熊猫的照片正好是在交配季节拍摄的(一般是一月到三月),这时的小熊猫更加愿意相互来往。