Adorable: Buttons the abandoned puppy and Kitty the rescued kitten are so close they think they are sisters and live at Battersea Cats and Dogs Home. 可爱:被遗弃的小狗巴顿和收留的小猫基蒂关系亲密,它们以为彼此是姐妹,现在住在巴特西猫狗之家
An orphaned puppy and abandoned kitten who were put together at a rescue centre have become so close - they think they are sisters. 英国动物救援中心里一只孤儿狗和一只被遗弃的小猫被放到一起,这会儿它俩已经变得亲密无间了——现在它们以为彼此是姐妹。
Kitty the cat was brought into Battersea Cats and Dogs Home by a kind-hearted member of the public who found her alone in a garden when she was just one day old. 小猫基蒂是被一个好心的市民带到伦敦的巴特西猫狗之家的,被发现时基蒂才刚出生一天,被遗弃在一个公园里。
To keep her company she was put together with Buttons the Jack Russell, who was born at the centre but rejected by her mother as the runt of the litter. 为了让它有个伴,工作人员让她跟杰克拉西尔梗狗巴顿住在一起,这只小狗出生在救援中心,但是它的母亲拒绝要它这个小个子。
They have since become inseparable - and even cry when Kitty is moved to the cattery to spend some time with other cats. 它们从此变得难分难舍——在基蒂被搬到猫舍跟其他猫共处一段时间时,它们甚至哭了。
Battersea Veterinary Nurse Sascha Taylor says the pair eat, sleep and play together. She said: 'Normally we’d hand rear puppies and kittens separately but we thought we could try putting them together as they are both so young.巴特西的兽医萨沙·泰勒说它俩一起吃、一起睡也一起玩。 她说:“通常情况下我们会分开抚养小猫和小狗,但我们认为可以尝试在它们还小的时候把它们放在一起。”
'Luckily it’s paid off as they adore being with each other and do everything together - it’s really very sweet.' “幸运的是我们成功了,它们喜欢跟对方在一起,而且一起做所有的事情——这真是非常的有爱甜蜜。”
Buttons’ mum Poppy was given to the centre in Old Windsor, Berks., because her elderly owners could not cope when they discovered she was pregnant with eight puppies. 巴顿的母亲波比是在伯克斯温莎的救援中心被收留的,它的主人上了年纪,发现它怀了八只小狗崽后觉得无法应付。
Inseparable: Staff at the home decided to try rearing the pair together and they have since become great companions. 难舍难分:救援中心的工作人员决定一起抚养这一对,也成全了这一伟大的友情。
Kitty and Buttons were put together when they were about two weeks old and treat each other like siblings. Staff at the animal home are hoping someone has enough room to adopt the loveable pair, who are now both around four weeks old.基蒂和巴顿在它们大约两周大的时候被放到了一起,它们对待彼此如姐妹一般。动物之家的工作人员希望能有人有足够的空间收养这可爱的一对,它们现在大概四周大了。
Nurse Sascha added: 'Hand-rearing them is hard work - I have to feed them every two hours, even throughout the night - but it’s totally worth it. We’re not sure if they’ll be re-homed together, though it would be great if they did.' 萨沙护士补充说:“抚养它们是件辛苦的事——我必须每两个小时就喂它们一次,甚至在晚上也是如此——但是一切都是值得的。我们不确定它们是不是能够被一起重新领养,但如果可以这样会更好。”
Room for me? Buttons vies for her share of the food as Kitty digs right in.给我留个地方?在基蒂埋头大吃特吃的时候,巴顿也来争夺它的食物。
Move over: Kitty is wide awake as Buttons tries to sleep off all that playing. 走开:基蒂十分清醒,而巴顿试图忽略它入睡。
Gnawing: Kitty appears to have spotted something as Buttons nibbles on a corner of a cushion. 啃:基蒂似乎是盯着什么在发呆,而巴顿在垫子的角落里咬着。 |