There is a saying often said: "Curiosity killed the cat." But the British one is only 8-week-old kitten has told us what is exceptional. 有句谚语常道:“好奇心害死猫。”但英国一只仅8周大的小猫却告诉了我们什么是例外。
A little 8-week-old kitten called Princess went on an adventure in her home in Aberdeen on Friday night when her owner wasn’t looking, only to be found in the washing machine an hour later after being stuck on a spin cycle. 俗话说猫有九命,这只名为“公主”的小猫,周五晚上在苏格兰阿伯丁居住的主人苏珊•戈登的新家时一定用掉了它的九条命之一。它趁主人不注意,跳进了洗衣机“探索”(主人随后毫不知情地关上了洗衣机门按下了注水键)。最后被发现时已经在洗衣机中“被洗”了一个小时。
Susan Gorden, her owner from Aberdeen, assumed she was playing elsewhere in the house until the wash finished and her husband opened the door to find Princess. 这只猫的主人苏珊•戈登,来自阿伯丁。直到洗衣机停止运转,她的丈夫打开门寻找“公主”之前,一直以为它在房子的其他地方玩耍。
She was soaked through,lethargic, shivering and clinging onto her wet jeans. Princess was taken straight to the local Vets and Susan trying to dry and comfort her as much as she could on the way.之后,苏珊惊讶地发现它的宝贝猫咪居然在洗衣机里——全身湿透,处于昏迷,浑身颤抖着紧紧地抱着一条牛仔裤。苏珊赶紧把小猫从洗衣机里解救出来,送它去了宠物医院急救,一路上尽可能地把小猫的身体弄干,让她舒服一些。
Judy Drysdale was the veterinary surgeon on duty at the Vets Now clinic at Ardene House at the time, and said she arrived shaken up, cold, and suffered a nose bleed and sore eyes. 朱迪•德斯戴尔是宠物医院那天的当班兽医,她说,“公主”被送来时全身都在颤抖,一边抖,鼻子一边流血,眼睛也受了伤。
Princess initially received oxygen therapy, pain relief and was placed on a heat pad to help bring her body temperature back to normal. 它随后被送进急救室,输入氧气,止痛,医生用电热毯裹起来帮助它恢复体温。
She went on to spend 3 nights at the Vets, and has thankfully now made a full recovery.小猫要在宠物医院继续待三个晚上,谢天谢地它现在已经完全恢复了。
Susan said she doesn’t seem to have any long-term fear of the washing machine or laundry since the events, as she continues to chase her son's socks around at home!苏珊说,发生这个事件之后,她对洗衣机或者洗衣服似乎不会有什么长期的“阴影”,因为她要继续追着满屋子她儿子的脏袜子跑。(天天有那么多的衣服要洗,想有阴影也没时间啊,当妈妈的真的很辛苦啊) |