最孤独的企鹅:觅食迷路 北漂千里至新西兰(图)>>
The wayward emperor penguin dubbed Happy Feet craned his head, flapped his flippers and seemed a little perturbed as he started his journey home to cooler southern waters Monday.一只叫做“快乐的大脚”的淘气帝企鹅伸伸脖子、踱来踱去似乎在为周一即将启程回到更凉快的南极感到有些小紧张。
The penguin was moved from the Wellington Zoo, where staff has cared for him for the past two months, which will release him after four days at sea at a latitude of 51 degrees south.过去的两个月这只企鹅都是由惠林顿动物园员工照料。“快乐的大脚”将会在4天后到达南纬51°的时候回到大自然的怀抱。
Happy Feet has been placed in a custom-made crate for the journey and will be kept cool with 60 buckets of ice. He'll be fed fish.在回到大自然怀抱的一路上“快乐的大脚”将会被放在一个定制的木箱里,里面放上60桶冰。工作人员会喂它吃鱼。
The Tangaroa is New Zealand's largest research vessel and was already scheduled to head into frigid southern waters to check on fish numbers in order to set fishing quotas.Tangaroa号是新西兰最大的考察船,计划去寒冷的南部水域考察鱼群数量来确定捕鱼份额。
The 3-foot-tall (meter-tall) penguin was found on a New Zealand beach June 20, far from his Antarctic feeding grounds. He was moved to the zoo after he became ill from eating sand that he likely mistook for snow. He's since regained weight and been cleared to be returned to the wild.三英尺(约1米)高的“快乐的大脚”是在今年6月20号被人在离它的聚食地Antarctic相当遥远的新西兰发现的。在把沙子当成雪误食之后,生病的它被送到了动物园。工作人员帮助大脚回复体重,以保证它有能力回到大自然的怀抱。 |