Neymar's appearance at Brazil's training base in Teresopolis, 100km north of Rio de Janeiro, came as the Selecao prepared for Saturday's match for third place against the Netherlands in Brasilia.7月10日,因伤告别世界杯的内马尔来到巴西队集训基地特雷索波利斯,看望正在备战的队友。巴西队将于周六对战荷兰队,争夺本次世界杯季军。
Brazil's neighbors and bitter rivals will bid to win football's ultimate prize for a third time against Germany at Rio's Maracana stadium on Sunday.周日,阿根廷将在里约热内卢的马拉卡纳体育场出战德国,这个巴西的邻国兼死敌有望第三次夺得世界杯。
It may be anathema to most Brazilians, but Neymar has expressed his wish for Argentina to be World Cup champions on Sunday.这一消息对于巴西而言,简直是场噩梦。但内马尔在接受采访时表示,他会支持阿根廷队夺冠。
Neymar said his friendship with Barcelona teammates Lionel Messi and Javier Mascherano meant he would be hoping for an Argentina victory.内马尔称,梅西和马斯切拉诺是他在巴塞罗那的队友,他希望梅西带领阿根廷队取得胜利。
"Of course anybody would be shocked at the fact a Brazilian is supporting Argentina. But I'm not supporting Argentina. I'm supporting two teammates and a person who I admire even more than before for being beside him every day.”“当然,一个巴西人支持阿根廷队可能让有些人觉得奇怪。但是我并不是在支持阿根廷队。我是在支持我的两位队友。我比以往更加钦佩梅西,因为他每天都在超越自我。”
“He [Messi] is a player that has always been somebody who I admired from afar because of his qualities on the pitch. Now I admire him as a person and I see that even when he trains he is special.”“过去梅西一直是我的镜子和偶像,我非常欣赏他在球场上的表现。而现在,他在训练中的出色表现让我更加钦佩。”
“I wish him the best of luck, and to Mascherano too. They are my teammates and great people. They deserve to win for everything that they have done in football.”“我为梅西和马斯切拉诺加油。他们是我在巴塞罗那的队友,也是伟大的球员。他们在球场上的表现值得世界冠军的称号。”
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