China's hurdler Liu Xiang was disqualified Thursday at the Stockholm indoor athletics tournament due to false start, giving his rival Dayron Robles of Cuba an easy win of 7.66 seconds.北京时间2月24日凌晨,国际田联瑞典斯德哥尔摩室内挑战赛展开鏖战,中国飞人刘翔抢跑犯规被罚出场,古巴名将罗伯斯以7秒66的成绩轻松夺得个人赛季首冠。
Liu was not willing to explain the reason of his false start, but he told Xinhua that it was not related to his foot injury.刘翔在赛后没有解释抢跑的原因,但他对新华网记者表示跟之前的脚伤无关。
Robles then easily crossed the line first without an outstanding performance in the men's 60m hurdles final.缺少了强劲对手刘翔的参加,罗伯斯的表现也有所保留,轻松赢得男子60米栏的冠军。
Another Cuban Orlando Ortega followed in 7.68 seconds and Balazs Baji of Hungary stood third in 7.70 seconds.古巴的另一位选手奥兰多·奥特加以7秒68获得亚军,匈牙利选手巴拉兹·巴基以7秒70位列第三名。
Last Saturday, Liu won the men's 60m hurdle final in 7.41 seconds at the Birmingham indoor tournament, setting a new Asian record. He said Wednesday that he hoped to have an even better performance than he did in Birmingham at the Stockholm indoor tournament.上周在英国伯明翰举行的国际田联特许室内赛中,刘翔以7秒41的成绩获取男子60米栏的冠军,创造了新的亚洲记录。刘翔在周三比赛希望瑞典赛能有更好的表现。 |