9. Ensure that you have a pen before leaving home so you can complete customs forms. Fill the forms out when you get them, and ensure that your family members have theirs filled as well. People will clamour for your pen; flight attendants rarely have them.出发时别忘了随身带支笔用来填写海关表格。一拿到表格就把它们填好,同时要确保家人的表格也都填完。到时候人们会争着向你借笔的,因为空服人员一般不提供笔。
10. 20 minutes before you land, sprint for the bathroom. Usually when the seatbelt light comes on, I’ve found that you still have 15 minutes of leeway until you truly have to be seated. Use this opportunity to relieve yourself to prevent fighting for restrooms when you land.飞机降落前20分钟,赶快去趟洗手间。我发现,通常安全带灯亮后到必须坐下之间,还有15分钟的活动时间。因此,赶快趁机去方便一下,免得降落后跟其他人抢着用洗手间。
Travel Hacks When You Arrive到达时的小贴士
11. Dart directly for baggage claim. It is amazing how many people seem to lollygag after landing. Save that for someplace else to save yourself time and to prevent any arguments with fellow travelers.直接奔向行李认领处。郁闷的是,许多人下了飞机后竟会四处闲荡浪费时间。你还是把闲逛的时间省到其他地方吧,也免得跟同行人发生任何纠纷。
12. Use ATMs to get local currency. Using money converters in the airport usually come with their own fees and the exchange rates are a rip-off. ATMs always dispense local currency, of course, so use your debit or credit card and get your money there.从取款机上取本地现金。如果在机场汇兑处兑换现金,不仅要支付手续费,其汇率也可能暗藏噱头。反正取款机肯定有本地货币,所以干脆用签帐卡或信用卡从那里取钱吧。
13. Ensure that you have Yelp downloaded for domestic travel in the US. This is a great city guide for both travelers and locals alike, and is best way to find the most amazing places to eat and sightsee.如果只在美国国内旅行,请一定要下载Yelp。这款城市指南对旅行者和本地人都很适用,能帮你最快找到吃喝游玩的好地方。
14. Shop for groceries when you arrive. You don’t have to shop for a feast, but getting basics like water and a few snacks in local stores instead of at the hotel can save you a ton.到达后去买杂货。你不一定得买很多东西,但可以在本地商店买一些水和零食等必需品,这要比在宾馆买便宜很多。
15. When in your room, remove only the necessities from your luggage. Trying to make yourself at home by taking out every pair of shoes and all of your toiletries will only make repacking a living hell, and it increases your chances of forgetting something when it’s time to go home.到了房间后,只需从行李中取出必需品就行。如果你想像在家那样自在,拿出带过来的所有鞋子、化妆品,那最后打包起来可就麻烦了,你很可能在离开打包时落下什么东西。 |