We assume that most of our readers are really smart shoppers, but there may be some of you who might be missing the mark of getting great deals only because of bad timing. Yes, we’re talking about the top 5 items you should buy only when there’s a sale going on.我猜想大部分读者肯定都是聪明的购物者,但也有些人会因为时机不好错过淘宝的绝好机会。下面就来说说最该在打折时买的五件东西。
1. Winter clothes冬装
Are you making the mistake of buying those expensive fur coats, wind cheaters, hoodies, wool caps, snow boots, hand gloves and all other winter accessories during winter time? That’s a terrible mistake to make folks. This is a top item that should be bought only during sales because its original price is really hefty. If you plan your shopping just a wee bit in advance of winter, you can save lots of money.你是不是总在冬天购置那些昂贵的皮草外套、风衣、帽衫、羊毛帽、雪地靴,手套和其他冬季装备呢?这可是很大的错误哦。这是最应该趁着打折买的东西,因为原价往往都极高。如果在入冬前购置这些,你能省下一大笔钱。
2. Books书籍
It’s unfortunate to say this but with all the Kindles and e-book readers of the world making their way in people’s palms, buying and reading books is becoming extinct. The reason why this item should be bought only during sales is because it will give you the best value for money. Also, with books causing storage problems and magazines being good only for one time reading, buying these items during sales is the best way to go.真不想这么说,但是在全世界范围内,电子阅读器和电子书已经逐渐占领了市场,买书看书的人似乎越来越少。趁着打折的时候买书真的可以给你省下很多钱。另外,书的存放也是个大问题,比方说杂志就是看完就扔的东西,所以还是在打折的时候囤积点吧。
3. Cosmetics化妆品
All the women out there will be flabbergasted when they see the kind of variety and the rates at which otherwise expensive cosmetics from brands like Dior, Maybelline, Revlon, M.A.C and the likes are available during sale time. Quit throwing off all your hard earned money on such expensive cosmetics and insist on buying these items only during sales to get great prices and bargains.打折季时看到某些高端品牌,如迪奥、美宝莲、露华浓、雅诗兰黛等,品种多折扣低,所有的女人肯定都会目瞪口呆的。别再把辛苦赚的钱全部用来买昂贵的化妆品啦,憋到打折季,以最好的价钱入手吧。
4. Refurbed electronic appliances and gadgets返修电子产品和小配件
Electronic appliances and gadgets are items you must buy only during sale time from the refurbed division because paying a large price tag for its original cost is just a waste of money. After holiday season when a lot of people return unwanted gifts, they all hit the refurbished section and the prices are mightily slashed down. Now, that’s a good enough reason for you to by these items only during the refurb sales, isn’t it?入手电子产品和小配件,这些东西只有打折的时候从返修部入手最划算,能省不少钱。这样比较下来,购买正价货真的非常浪费钱哦。假期之后,很多人都会退掉他们不想要的礼物,这些礼物也都会存在返修区里,这样价格就会大幅下降。以返修价买到新货,是不是绝好的省钱招数呀?
5. Alcohol酒
Of course, we don’t expect you to buy your regular supplies of affordable wine and beer during sales. But friends, for those occasional parties, we’re sure you’d need to stock up with some good champagne, fine wine and heavily priced alcohol, right? We suggest you buy a stock of expensive alcohol only during sales time, especially in and around holiday season to get great rates.我们当然不是让你去在打折季购买那些平日常喝、价格实惠的红酒或啤酒。但朋友别忘了,一些正规场合,你肯定得存一些好的香槟、红酒以及高价格的酒类。我们建议你在打折季囤点高档酒吧,节假日前后往往能拿到好折扣。