The Duchess Effect – The positive economic impact of Kate Middleton’s fashion choices, derived from her new title, ‘the Duchess of Cambridge’.“公爵夫人效应”指英国王妃凯特‧米德尔顿的时尚穿衣品味对经济产生的积极影响,该说法来源于凯特的新头衔“剑桥公爵夫人”。
"The Duchess Effect appears to extend much further than the economic impact of Kate's fashion choices; this year the fashion landscape seems to be a brighter, more accessible place with the styles more colorful, feminine and graceful than we've observed in many years," said the Global Language Monitor's fashion expert Bekka Payack.全球语言监测机构的时尚专家贝卡‧帕亚克说:“公爵夫人效应远远比凯特的时尚选择带来的经济效应影响更为深远。与前些年相比,今年时尚界看起来前景更好,更加贴近群众,风格更加绚丽多彩,更女性化,也更优雅。”
The Duchess can sell out a fashion line in 24 hours just by wearing a dress or sweater from a retail store at a public event. Indeed, her style choices have influenced a more feminine look all round in fashion.公爵夫人参加公共活动时穿的从零售店随便买的一件裙子或小衫,24小时内就可能被抢购一空。的确,她的穿衣风格让整个时尚圈变得更加有女人味。
Kate's sister Pippa Middleton -- who made waves as a bridesmaid at the Duchess' London wedding last year -- also made the list. "Pippa's Bum" came in at No.5, reflecting what the GLM said was the "absurdly large media interest in the Duchess's sister in general and her bum in particular."去年凯特在伦敦大婚时,妹妹皮帕‧米德尔顿作为伴娘大出风头,此次皮帕也跻身榜单。热词“皮帕的臀部”排名第五。全球语言监测机构曾表示“荒唐的是,媒体对公爵夫人的妹妹普遍有浓厚兴趣,特别是她的臀部。” |