Lady Gaga took to Twitter this morning to reveal that she is to write a regular column for U.S fashion magazine ' V '. Lady Gaga今早在微博爆料自己将成为美国时尚杂志《V》杂志的专栏作家。
Starting in the summer 2011 edition, which hits the shops mid-May, Lady Gaga, or 'Mother Monster' as she likes to be known, will be imparting her pearls of wisdom in a fashion and arts-based monthly commentary, giving us a little peek inside the performer and style icon's creative brain.她的第一期作品将会在五月中旬2011夏季版上发表,Lady Gaga就是我们所熟知的“雷母”将会在专栏中通过发表评论的方式和广大粉丝分享她宝贵的时尚智慧和艺术触觉,让我们有幸窥探一下这位时尚达人极具创造性的智慧。
Coming from a star who has worn a dress made entirely of meat, exactly what the column will be about is hard to say, but we can be sure it won't be how to match your handbag and shoes. We're hoping for behind-the-scenes gossip on her wackiest photoshoots, insider knowledge on where she finds inspiration for her endless style transformations, and sartorial nuggets like 'why bottom halves to an outfit are a waste of time' and 'how to pull off a latex bra at midday'.这位敢穿全身鲜肉装现身的专栏到底会是怎样的效果,那还真是让人难以预料,但是我们可以肯定Ga姐的专栏是不会是教你怎么搭配包包和鞋子的。我们希望她能分享在她那特立独行的街拍背后,她百变造型的灵感来源、“穿裤子是浪费时间”以及“怎样在大白天脱内衣”的穿衣理念经验。 |