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发表于 2016-7-29 08:32:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式






  The World Bank warns the Ebola deaths of hundredsof healthcare workers could cause maternalmortality rates to soar in Guinea, Liberia and SierraLeone. The disease has killed health workers at ahigher rate than any other population group.
  A World Bank report says maternal deaths could reach levels not seen in the Ebola-affectedcountries in 15 or 20 years. Rates could increase by 38 percent in Guinea, 74 percent in SierraLeone and 111 percent in Liberia.
  Senior Economist and co-author of the report David Evans reacted to those figures.
  “What this adds up to is between both mothers and children about 25,000 lost lives per year.”
  That could happen, he said, because Ebola has taken such a toll on health workers.
  “The Ebola epidemic has had a dramatically disproportionate impact on health workers in thesethree countries: Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea. For example, in Sierra Leone, health workershave been 50 times more likely to contract Ebola than the rest of the population. And thenumbers are similar in the other two countries,” he said.
  Evans said the three countries were already fragile before Ebola struck because they had “anincredibly limited health care force.”
  “Before the Ebola epidemic, Sierra Leone was fifth from the bottom globally in terms of doctorsper capita. Liberia was second from the bottom. And Guinea was 28th, which is a little better,but still not a very strong health workforce. So, you start from that and then you take awaybetween five and ten percent of the healthcare workforce,” he said.
  Liberia, for example, lost 10 percent of its doctors. It only had 51 prior to the outbreak.
  Many have raised concerns that during the Ebola epidemic children did not receive measlesvaccinations, malaria and HIV/AIDS patients failed to get treatment and testing for HIVplummeted.
  Evans said, “One thing that we noticed is that nobody was really focusing on, specifically, thisloss of health workers, which actually has a whole range of effects, including the mostfundamental outcomes in the health sector, like maternal and infant mortality.”
  But The World Bank report – Healthcare Worker Mortality and the Legacy of the Ebola Epidemic– said all is not lost. Evans said something can be done immediately to keep things from gettingworse.
  “In the immediate run, we need to make sure that there are plenty of health workers right nowthat are available. And so one of the solutions to that, which the World Bank and a number ofother international partners – the U.N., the African Union – have been supporting [is] therecruitment, training and deployment of foreign health workers to communities in need inGuinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. So, about 1,300 have been deployed so far. So, in the shortrun, this is crucial.”
  The senior economist said, however, a long-term solution is a necessity.
  “It means investing in the local healthcare infrastructure, making sure that doctors, nurses,midwives and community health workers are trained and that they have the protection thatthey need to do their jobs safely. And that they have the pay that they need so that they’rewilling to stay in country. There are a lot of local professionals who want to serve their homepopulation if they can do so in reasonable conditions and with some level of reasonableremuneration,” he said.
  The World Bank report said to reach 80 percent health coverage -- included in the MillenniumDevelopment Goals --more than 43,000 doctors, nurses and midwives would need to be hiredacross Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.
  The World Bank Study was published in The Lancet Global Health.

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