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发表于 2016-7-29 08:32:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式






  WASHINGTON— On July 11, Bosnia will markthe 20th anniversary of the worst mass killing inEurope since World War II: the massacre atSrebrenica. During an 11-day period in July1995, an estimated 8,000 Muslim men and boyswere slaughtered during the Bosnian war.Experts say the events of 20 years ago should motivate nations to work harder atpreventing future conflicts.
  For those who lost husbands and sons 20 years ago during the Srebrenica massacre, thewounds are still fresh.
  During ceremonies Saturday marking the anniversary, recently-identified remains of 136victims will be interred.
  One woman lost her husband and both sons, "We have been sentenced without a trial. Ourchildren were sentenced to death and expulsion and we survivors were sentenced to stay livingin hell."
  Thousands were murdered when troops commanded by Serbian General Ratko Mladic overran aU.N. enclave protected by Dutch troops.
  U.S. Ambassador Stephen Rapp said the international community must take greater steps tointervene to help dissipate ethnic tensions in Bosnia and elsewhere. He spoke at a paneldiscussion in Washington hosted by VOA.
  "I think part of what we need to work for is for greater integration within the region, bothwithin Europe and internally, recognizing the common interests of people in Bosnia for aprosperous future and a future where people can live together whatever their ethnicity,whatever religion they follow," said Rapp.
  A lasting impact of the war in Bosnia is its troubled economy, according to Tanya Domi ofColumbia University, speaking via Skype.
  "Formal unemployment is 40 percent, and with [Bosnia's] youth, it is approaching 60 percent,according to the World Bank. This is simply unsustainable and people are leaving. And I thinkwhat you are seeing is a second 'brain drain' leaving Bosnia, and in fact, the future is leavingBosnia," said Domi.
  Ratko Mladic was indicted for war crimes at The Hague, along with former Bosnian SerbPresident Radovan Karadzic and former Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic.
  Milosevic died in prison in 2006. Mladic and Karadzic are still facing the war crimes tribunal.Three others, including two senior Bosnian Serbs, have been convicted of genocide.
  Ambassador Rapp said that even if justice is slow in coming for the crimes of Srebrenica, it willcome.
  "The day will come when persons who target the innocent, who attempt to destroy wholegroups, on whatever motivation, that those people will face justice. And I think that out ofSrebrenica the world has gained powerful lessons that all of us need to implement every day,”he said.
  Even in the face of those lessons, there are those who still deny the atrocity.
  Wednesday, Russia vetoed a draft U.N. resolution condemning the massacre as an act ofgenocide, despite two international courts having declared it so.

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