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发表于 2016-7-29 08:32:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式






  Deliberations on whether to try a white police officerfor the controversial shooting of an unarmed blackteenager are focusing attention on a unique aspectof America’s criminal justice system, the grandjury. We are the only nation that allows citizens --not the government -- to screen criminal chargesbefore they may go to trial. This dates to our nation’s early history and is enshrined in ourConstitution.
  Eighteen-year old Michael Brown of Ferguson, Missouri, was shot six times and killed by OfficerDarren Wilson during an arrest in August. Police said Brown attacked Wilson and tried to gethis gun. Others said Brown was trying to surrender. His death led to months of protests,some violent, and made Ferguson the focus of a national debate about race and policeprocedures.
  That Michael Brown is dead is a fact, but the circumstances surrounding his death are murky.That’s where the grand jury comes in.
  A panel of 12 local residents – five women and seven men – is reviewing the case. They’ll hearevidence collected in the government’s investigation, and based on that they’ll decide if Wilsonshould be charged with a crime, such as murder or manslaughter. Unlike a trial, no judge ispresent, and grand jury members may ask questions and call for more evidence if they believeit exists. They want to answer two questions: is there probable cause to believe a crime wascommitted, and, is there evidence to show that Wilson was involved in that crime. If at leastnine of the 12, voting in secret, decide that it’s reasonable to believe Wilson could be foundguilty of a crime, the case will go to trial. If they don’t, no further action is taken unlessadditional evidence is found.
  The notion of a citizen’s investigative panel stretches to old English law, where many Americanlegal principles are rooted. It was intended to prevent the king from being able to prosecutehis critics without good reason. America’s Founding Fathers adopted it in the Constitution’sFifth Amendment, which codifies many of our legal protections, such as the right against self-incrimination.
  The system has its critics. Grand jurors often hear only the prosecutor’s side of the case andare persuaded by them. But by requiring a burden of proof be presented before a person canbe tried for a crime, the grand jury system provides an important check against arbitrarygovernment action.

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