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发表于 2016-7-28 22:17:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        1. You're both independent1、你们都是独立的。
        Each of you has a social life outside of the relationship. You're not a constant "two for one" situation, which means you're each confident and secure. It's wonderful when this happens, because it's so irritating when someone can't be seen without their better half. 在你们的伴侣关系之外,每个人都有自己的社交生活。你们不是一直处于如影相随的状态,也就是说你们都是自信且有安全感的。如果是这样的话,那是非常好的,因为如果有人因为没有另一半连门都不出,那就不太愉快了。
        2. You never bash each other on social media.2、在社交媒体,你们从不攻击对方。
        If you have fights, they're done with dignity and behind closed doors. And if an argument pops up in public (which it usually never does), you agree to talk about it later, which is relieving to everyone in your presence. No one will ever see you go tit for tat on Facebook.在你们有争执的时候,那就关起门来从容地解决掉。如果确实不可避免地在公众场合起了争执,但是你们同意稍后解决,这样一来,对在场的所有人都是件很释然的事情。通常没有人会看到你们在脸书上针锋相对。
        3. You aren't mushy nline.3、网络上不总是卿卿我我的。
        Too much gushing over each other on social media is annoying, although a little bit is tender and great. But the fact is when you're an awesome couple, you explain how much you mean to each other in person, not just digitally.在社交媒体上适当的彼此情感抒发可以表现对彼此的温柔,太多的话总是让人很讨厌。但事实上,优秀的伴侣们总是私下里表达对彼此的重要性,而不是通过照片。
        4. You disagree sometimes4、你们有意见相左的时候。
        The couple that never fights or has a different point of view probably has a boring relationship. Of course, no one likes the constantly fighting couples, but two people who are secure in themselves and in their relationship can disagree but still respect each other.那些从来不争执或者意见总是高度统一的伴侣可能并不是一健种康的两性关系。当然,没有人会喜欢总是吵架。但两个有安全感且处于一段安全伴侣关系中的人总有意见相左的时候,但他们总会彼此互相尊重。
        5. You like to socialize and have fun with other people.5、你喜欢与别人一起参加娱乐和社交活动。
        While you don't mind a good night on the couch, you still like to mingle amongst your friends. There's nothing worse than the couple who never leaves their house once they’ve started dating. Secure people are comfortable at home with each other but also enjoy doing things apart.尽管你不介在(与伴侣靠在)沙发上度过美好的夜晚,但也仍然愿意与朋友们一起浪。这样总比两个人从开始约会就不愿意离开家要好一些。安全感强的人们既享受和伴侣一起的家庭时间,同时也喜欢各自做自己的事情。
        6. You still turn each other on.6、你们仍然可以点燃彼此内心的火热。
        The best couples find each other sexy and are affectionate, but not in that "Let's grind against the bar like we're 18" sort of way.最好的伴侣总是会觉得彼此很性感且想要亲近,但这绝不是那种“我们就像自己18岁那样去泡吧”的感觉。
        7. You champion each other's successes.7、你们为彼此的成功喝彩。
        People in amazing relationships applaud the other person's triumphs and are there for each other during down moments. These are two individuals who want the other person to be strong and happy, not two insecure people each looking to do better than the other.处于健康两性关系的人们总是在另一半成功的时候欢呼,在失落的时候为他们加油打气。这两个单独的个体总是期望另一半能够坚强快乐,而不是两个没有安全感的人想着要比另一半过得更好。
        8. You have separate hobbies and interests.8、你们有各自的兴趣爱好。
        Even if the other person finds the hobby weird, he or she encourages his or her loved one to enjoy it at will.即便你的伴侣有很奇怪的爱好,你也应该去鼓励ta按照自己的意愿尽情享受。
        9. You have enough in common.9、你们有很多共同点。
        Opposites might attract, but eventually they can repel. It's OK to have differences, but the best couples share values and some common touchpoints in order to go the distance.有对立面可能会彼此吸引,但最终可能让人生厌。差异可以有,但是最好的伴侣为了拉近彼此的距离,往往要分享自己的价值观和共同的观点。
        The key to being a fabulous couple lies in two well-suited and confident people matching up together, plain and simple. Neediness isn't attractive. Two independent beings coming together for the greater good of their relationship. That's just sexy.成为一对最登对的伴侣关键在于两个适合彼此、充满自信的人简简单单地在一起。互相需要并不是互相吸引。毕竟两个独立的人在一起是为了创造一段美妙的情感。这样就会很性感啦!

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