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发表于 2016-7-28 22:16:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
After years of sorting foods out, measuring the amount of vitamins, minerals, nutritional content and health benefits, scientists and nutritionist now know which are the healthiest foods for our diets.经过多年对各种食物分类,计算食物中维他命、矿物质、营养成分和对健康的益处,科学家和营养学家现在知道哪些是对我们的饮食来说最健康的食物了。
        We've come up with a list of foods you simply cannot ignore. From your average everyday veggies to the most delicious fruits, you will surely find something you love here.我们罗列了一份你绝对不容忽视的食物清单。从平时吃的蔬菜到令人垂涎欲滴的水果,在这份列表中你一定会找到你爱的东西。
        1. Spinach1、菠菜



        Spinach is one of the healthiest, nutrient-packed foods you can easily find and eat. It's also available at almost every local supermarket, and it’s not expensive. Spinach gives you energy, is low in calories but can make you feel sufficiently full, so it is a great weight loss food too. It is packed with vitamin A and vitamin K .菠菜是最健康的食物之一,营养含量丰富,易得也容易吃到。几乎每一个当地的超市都有卖而且还不贵。菠菜不仅可以给人提供能量、卡路里低,还能让人有饱腹感,所以也是一种极佳的减肥食品。同时,菠菜富含维他命A和维他命K。
        2. Goji Berries (Wolfberries)2、枸杞(枸杞子)



        Many people are still uninformed about the benefits of Goji berries for their health as they are mainly found and used in Chinese cuisine. They are known as wolfberries in chinese recipes and dishes.很多人都不知道枸杞对健康的好处,因为主要是中国菜里才会放枸杞。在中国菜里,他们叫枸杞子。
        The best goji berries come in dried form, so try to avoid Goji berry juices which may have more sugar content than real nutritional content. Goji berries have the ability to help us fight fatigue. They contain a lot of vitamin A and C, and about 12 grams of protein per cup of Goji berries.干枸杞的效用最好,枸杞汁糖分多而实际营养含量较少,所以尽量不要喝枸杞汁。枸杞有抗疲劳的功效,含大量的维他命A和C,一杯子量的枸杞约含有12克蛋白质。
        3. Salmon3、鲑鱼



        The benefits of salmon are well-known, and salmon makes for a perfect meal whether it's eaten raw (sashimi), smoked or cooked properly (char-grilled, boiled etc).鲑鱼的好处众所周知,而且无论是生吃(生鱼片)、烟熏还是烹炒(炭烧、水煮等),都是不错的餐点。
        Salmon contains a lot of omega-3 and as with all fishes, provides a lot of high quality protein with very little unhealthy fats.鲑鱼富含欧米伽-3,而且,和所有的鱼类一样可以为人们提供大量的优质蛋白质,不健康脂肪含量少。
        Other vitamins and minerals provided by salmon includes vitamin B12, vitamin D, B6, potassium, phosphorus, selenium and niacin (which is good for the skin and hair).鲑鱼内含的其他维他命和矿物质包括维他命B12、维他命D、B6、钾、磷、硒和烟酸(对皮肤和头发那是极好的)。
        4. Avocado4、鳄梨(牛油果)



        If you are not a fan of avocado, you should try it again and more importantly, make it a part of your daily diet. Avocados are known for their high amounts of healthy monounsaturated fat. This is a high-fat fruit, which is interesting considering how most of the other fruits are very low in fat or even fat free. And avocado are cholesterol free and sodium free.如果你对鳄梨不是很感冒,你应该试一下,更重要的是让鳄梨成为你日常饮食的一部分。鳄梨因其含有大量的健康不饱和脂肪而得名。这是一种高脂肪含量的水果,有趣的是其他大部分的水果脂肪含量低甚至为零。而且鳄梨不含胆固醇和钠。
        5. Broccoli5、西兰花



        Broccoli is a healthy food that usually makes for a good side dish in addition to your main course.To get the best out of broccoli, retain its nutrients and taste by steaming it. The fiber in broccoli will help your digestion, and it's also a good source of calcium. One serving of broccoli contains a lot of vitamin C – literally all you will need for the day!西兰花是一种健康的食物,一般都是搭配主食作配菜。为了发挥西兰花最大的作用,烹饪以蒸煮为宜以留住其营养和原有的口感。西兰花里的纤维有助于消化,钙含量也比较高。一份西兰花维他命C的含量理论上足以维持你一天的需求。
        6. Almonds6、杏仁



        Almonds are the perfect, ideal snacking option. They are a great source of protein, are said to prevent heart attacks and reduce bad cholesterol levels. Almonds also have nutrients like iron and vitamin B2 which are essential for your body.选择杏仁作为零食,堪称完美。杏仁蛋白质含量高,据说还能预防心脏病、降低坏胆固醇水平。杏仁同样也含有铁和维他命B2等人体所需的营养物质。
        7. Beetroots7、甜菜



        If you are going to eat beetroots, always look for the fresh vegetable and not the pickled beets you can find in jars and salads. Yes, it does take a lot of time to decently prepare and cook beetroot, but it is totally worth the time and effort because beets contain boron which will make you feel more energized!如果你打算吃甜菜的话,一定要吃新鲜的,不要只是吃罐装和沙拉里的那些腌菜。是的,好好准备一顿甜菜确实需要花很长的时间,但一切准备都是值得的,因为甜菜里含有的硼会让你精力充沛。
        Apart from that, beets are great for your brain and can help in controlling your blood pressure. Because beets contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals.除此之外,甜菜有益于大脑健康,还能够控制血压。因为甜菜里含有大量的维他命和矿物质。
        8. Sweet Potatoes8、蕃薯



        Sweet potatoes are easy to cook and they make for a great meal for young children. They keep you full and they contain a high amount of fiber which is vital for your digestive system. In general, they are a good addition to any meal, be it breakfast, lunch, dinner or even as a mid day snack.番薯烹调起来很容易,对小孩来说是极佳的饭食。番薯很经饱,富含纤维对消化系统极为重要。通常,吃什么饭都可以吃些番薯,不论是早餐、午餐、晚餐甚至是作为一天的零食。
        They also contain high amounts of vitamin A, in many cases enough to meet over 90% of a person's daily needs!番薯也含有大量的维他命A,多数情况下能够满足人体每天90%以上的所需。
        9. Raspberries9、树莓



        Berries in general are full of antioxidants, but raspberries stand out because of their high amounts of vitamins and minerals.莓类总的来说都含有很多的抗氧化物,但树莓因其高含量的维他命和矿物质而变得尤为突出。
        If you are on a weight loss program, have as many raspberries as you like because they are low in fat and high in fibre and vitamin C. Berries are also said to help if you are suffering from arthritis, so give this super fruit a try!如果你正在减肥,随意吃多少树莓都可以,因为树莓脂肪含量很低而纤维和维他命C含量高。莓类据说还能预防关节炎,所以试试这种超级水果吧!

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