1. Don't be so bossy.1、不要太气势凌人。
2. Your dad would have to chase the boys away when you're year older.2、等你长大了,你爸爸会把你身后的男孩子全都赶跑的。
3. You look so pretty.3、你真漂亮。
4. He picks on you because he likes you.4、他之所以挑你的刺是因为喜欢你。
5. You need to watch your eyebrows.5、你要修眉毛了。
6. Don't wear this out at school, you won’t distract the boy.6、不要穿这件衣服去学校,反正男生也不会正眼看你。
7. Oh, you like the video games, the boys must love that.7、噢,你喜欢电子游戏,男生肯定很喜欢你这点。
8. Don't be a slut.8、别犯贱。
9. No guy wants to have sex with a virgin.9、没有男生会想和处女滚床单的。
10. How much did you have to drink that night?10、你那天晚上到底喝了多少酒?
11. What were you wearing that night?11、你那天晚上是穿什么衣服来着?
12. Why are you getting so emotional?12、为什么你会变得这么情绪化?
13. Stop being such an attention whore.13、你这个哗众取宠的小表咂。
14. Don't be so bitchy.14、别犯贱。
15. Stop being so dramatic.15、不要那么夸张,好么!
16. It must be that time of the month.16、一定是姨妈又来看你啦!
17. You'd be really pretty if you've just made an effort.17、只要花心思打扮了,你一定会很漂亮的。
18. You'd be much more prettier if you smiled.18、你笑起来会更好看。
19. You are so exotic. Where are you from?19、你看起来很不同,打哪来的?
20. Nice rack.20、身材超辣。
21. I was just trying to give you a compliment.21、我刚刚是想夸你来着。
22. You don't want to go out with me? You are ugly any away.22、你不想跟我出去约会?你以为自己很好看呢!
23. Is that all you gonna to eat?23、你就吃这么点吗?
24. You could be the lava girl.24、你都可以变成动画里的角色了。
25. You drink whiskey?25、你喝威士忌?
26. You like football?26、你喜欢足球?
27. Your drive is kind of intimidating.27、你的车技太吓人了吧!
28. What were we on the reproductive rights?28、我们在繁衍后代这项权利上算什么呢?
29. Can women have it all?29、女性可以拥有跟男性一样的权利吗?
30. Are you like...a feminist?30、你真是女权主义者吗?
31. Oh, you travel alone? Is it like a thing?31、哇,你独自旅行?是像《一辈子做女孩》那本书里面那样的吗?
32. You are always a bridesmaid, and never a bride.32、你就是做伴娘的料,永远都不可能成为新娘的。
33. You don't want kids? Aren't you worried you won't be fulfilled?33、你不想要孩子?你就不担心你的人生因此会不圆满吗?
34. Your biological clock is ticking.34、年纪都这么大了怎么还不生孩子?
35. You are not taking your husband's last name?35、你不随你丈夫姓?
36. You don't even look like you had a baby.36、你看起来根本不像是生过小孩的。
37. Are you planning on working after the baby’s born?37、生完孩子后你还打算工作吗?
38. You'll be so bored at home.38、待在家里会闷死的。
39. You're going to lend someone out with your kids when you're going back to work.39、当你回去工作的时候打算请人带孩子吗?
40. Does your husband mind that you make more money than him?40、你丈夫介意你挣得钱比他多吗?
41. Your husband cooks dinner? You really have him very trained.41、你丈夫做饭?你把他调教得够好的呀!
42. You are dating a younger man? You're such a cougar.42、你跟比你小的男人约会?你还真是风韵犹存呀!
43. He cheated you in for a younger model.43、他背着你跟一个年轻的女模特出轨了。
44. You should feel grateful you were catcalled.44、别人嘘你身材好应该感到高兴。
45. Do you fell fulfilled that you were just a stay-at-home mom?45、当一个全职妈妈你会感到满足吗?
46. Isn't that outfit a little young for you?46、这件衣服对你来说是不是稍稍年轻了点?
47. You're still wearing makeup? how adorable!47、你还化妆?好可爱哦!
48. You must be beautiful when you were younger.48、你年轻的时候肯定很漂亮。
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