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发表于 2016-7-28 22:15:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Falling asleep is difficult enough. Getting real rest when you're off in dreamworld is something else altogether.入睡本身就是一件很难的事情了。想要在梦乡中充分得到休息又是一件完全不同的麻烦事。
        Thankfully, as with so many other life problems, there's a hack for that. These easy tips will help you greet the world in the morning without feeling like you want to murder it.幸好,如同许多其他生活中的烦恼一样,我们有针对这个问题的妙招。这些简单的妙招能帮助你每天早上充满活力地迎接世界,而不会想宰了它。
        1. Drink coffee right away, go right back to sleep起床后即刻喝杯咖啡,然后再去睡会儿
        Caffeine takes a few minutes to kick in, during which time you come as close to killing someone as possible without needing to report yourself to the police. The "coffee nap" trick -- drinking some java right before taking a short nap to get the biggest boost when you wake up -- also works to avoid morning grogginess. 咖啡因的吸收需要几分钟的时间,在此过程中你会非常非常疲惫,以致想要杀人(不过不用去报警啦)。这招名叫“咖啡助小睡”法——喝下一小杯咖啡,然后再睡一小会儿,等你醒来时正好是精神最好的时候,这招还能用来消除宿醉感哟。
        2. Turn down the thermostat把暖气调低档
        To get the kind of restful sleep that results in high energy in the morning, Harvard recommends setting the temperature to somewhere between 60 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit.根据哈佛大学的研究,为了在睡眠中得到充分休息,以便早晨感到充满活力,人们应将室内温度调至华氏60-75度。
        3. Leave the curtains open开着窗帘
        Embrace your natural circadian rhythms by sleeping with the blinds open, so you get some of that sweet vitamin D as soon as you wake up.开着窗帘睡觉,拥抱自己与自然节律同步的生物钟,这样你一起床就能享受到甜美的维他命D啦。
        4. Meditate for better rest冥想以助睡眠
        Along with reducing stress and improving heart health, a study showed that it can also improve not only sleep quality, but the ability to function during the day. Get started!研究表明,睡前冥想不仅能够减轻压力、保护心脏健康,还能够改善睡眠质量、提高人体在白天的运作能力。今天就开始吧!
        5. Set the electronics aside an hour before bed睡前一小时关掉所有电子设备
        According to Harvard, light from smartphones, laptops, and TVs can suppress the secretion of melatonin. That's a sciencey way of saying the human body was not meant to Snapchat after the sun goes down, because our brains won't know it's night. Reset your internal clock by stepping away from the iDevices before bed.哈佛研究表明,手机、笔记本电脑和电视等的荧光会抑制褪黑激素的分泌。这一科学研究表明,人的天性并不适合在太阳落山后还在网上浏览图片,因为我们的大脑会无法感知黑夜已经来临。睡前远离电子产品,你将能够重新调整自己的生物钟!
        6. Don't drink before bed睡前勿饮酒
        Drinking before bed results in more disrupted sleep overall, with obvious negative consequences for your energy levels.从整体上的长期结果来看,睡前饮酒会对睡眠造成干扰,其中一个明显的负面作用就是降低你的活力值。
        7. Get more physical activity during the day白天多做体育锻炼
         Getting about 150 minutes of exercise a week not only improves sleep quality by 65%, but also results in feeling more alert and energized during the day.每周大约150分钟的运动时间能提高睡眠质量高达65%,让你白天更加精神机警、充满活力。

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