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发表于 2016-7-28 22:15:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        1. I probably can't give you a celebrity's hairstyle.1. 我可能无法为你打造明星大腕的发型。
        Even if your stylist can match a celeb's color and cut, she can't give you access to the team of professionals that the rich and famous have fixing their hair before every appearance.即便你的发型师能让你的头发与明星的发色及发型相媲美,她也不能使你享受专业团队的服务,而那些明星大腕每次登场前都会有此类团队来打理他们的头发。
        Bringing in pictures is great, but be open to adaptations that take into account your hair texture and bone structure. If you go in expecting a carbon copy of a red carpet style, "you may be very disappointed," says Don Bewley, cofounder of Eufora International Haircare in Carlsbad, California.(所以理发时)带上照片是个好点子,但发型师会根据你的发质和骨架结构做出调整,你得接受这点。如果你去理发店是想要一板一眼地复制出明星走红毯时的发型,“你可能会受到非常大的打击,” 唐·布雷说道。他是加利福尼亚卡尔斯巴德城Eufora国际美发的联合创始人。
        2. Tell me exactly what "a little bit" means—even if you feel like you're being nitpicky.2. 告诉我“一点点”到底是多少,就算你觉得自己在挑刺。
        Be prepared to talk specifics with your stylist. Saying, "Just don't go too short" isn't helpful. Show your stylist the exact length you want your hair. And if you request she take off two inches, make sure your definition of "two inches" is the same as hers.准备好告知你的发型师(理想发型的)细节。比方说“不要剪太短就行”,这并没什么用。给你的发型师比划你想要的具体发长。如果你请她帮你剪掉两英寸,还要确保你对“两英寸”的定义与她的一致。
        3. Please respect my time.3. 请尊重我的时间。
        Being five minutes late can throw off your stylist's entire day. If you're running late, call. And never pull a no-show. On the same note, don't phone at the last minute and ask to get "squeezed in." Your stylist will likely try to accommodate you, but it may mean staying late or rushing to finish another client first.你去理发比预约时间晚五分钟,便会使发型师的一整天一团糟。如果你快迟到了,打电话通知发型师。并且绝对不要上演不露脸的戏码。同理,不要在最后一分钟再打电话,请求发型师能挤出时间帮你理发。你的发型师很有可能会试图迁就你,可是这也许意味着发型师会弄到很晚或是先急匆匆地完成其他顾客的理发。



        4. I love getting to know my clients—to a point.4. 我喜欢渐渐了解我的客户,但也要有限度啊。
        "After 10 clients a day, everyone's problems start to weigh on us!" says Bewley. Try to keep the conversation centered on fashion, beauty or wellness. And remember: This is your time to relax and feel beautiful—and your stylist's time to focus on your hair.布雷诉苦道:“一天给10个顾客做完造型后,他们抱怨的问题开始给我们带来困扰。”试着把你同发型师聊天的话题集中在时尚、美容或是健康上。对了,记住理发时你应该放松,感觉美美哒,而那也是你的发型师专心摆弄你头发的时候。
        5. You know your hair better than anyone—tell me about it!5. 你比谁都要更清楚自己的头发,所以告诉我关于你头发的一切吧!
        If you're visiting a stylist for the first time, be upfront about your hair's history. Did your last hairdresser use a relaxer? Do you know what he colored your hair with? The more information you have, the better.如果这是你第一次让某位发型师帮你做头发,请径直告诉他你头发被打理过的历史。你上一个理发师有使用过软发药水么?你知道他上次用什么给你染发了么?你掌握到的这些信息越多越好。
        6. You're a walking billboard for my work.6. 你就是我理发效果的活招牌。
        Your hair should be a positive reflection of your stylist's work. If you're not sure how to style a new cut once you get home, go back and ask questions. Your hairdresser wants you to look good, and would be more than happy to teach you the proper styling and finishing tips.你的头发应该积极地反映出发型师的努力成果。当你回到家,如果你不清楚如何护理新剪好的头发,那就回美发店问发型师。你的理发师想要让你看着不错,也十分乐意教你适当打理及装扮头发的方法。

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