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发表于 2016-7-28 22:15:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        In a relationship, sexiness wears thin after a while and beauty fades, too. In such a scenario, it is indeed a treat to be married to a man who makes you laugh every day.恋爱中,相处一段时间后两性吸引力渐弱,朱颜易改,如此,能嫁给一个天天让你笑的郎君着实是种享受。
        Laughter, often, is the therapy we all like to turn to. Given below are the reasons why women these days choose men with a sense of humour over the oh-so-serious ones.笑,是我们乐于求助的疗法。如下是缘何如今女性喜欢选择有幽默感的男士,而不是一看就很严肃的类型。
        They make the journey worthwhile他们让旅程变得有趣
        With their brilliant sense of humour, you will never have a dull moment in their company. The emphasis is on letting you have a good time when you are with them.他们幽默感出众,有他们的陪伴你永远不会有一刻无聊。重点是你和他们在一起的时候很开心。
        They can make any situation better他们会化解局面
        You can vouch for them to enlighten any dull conversation. They will easily make the situation so much lighter with their smart, but sensitive sense of humour, however tense the scenario is . They know when to crack that right joke which will cheer everyone up instantly.你可以指望他们让一场无趣的谈话增色。他们机智、敏锐的幽默感可以轻轻松松转变沉闷的氛围。他们知道何时讲段子,让大伙可以立马开心起来。
        They strike a chord instantly他们很能心领神会
        With their effervescent personality, they can easily strike a chord with anyone within no time. They easily get along with people, which is great for you as you never have to worry about him feeling out of place anywhere.他们热情洋溢的性格,容易与人产生共鸣。他们很快可以和人打成一片,这对你来说这再好不过了,因为你永远不用担心他会感到无所适从。



        They ooze confidence and charm他们自然流露自信和魅力
        They are extroverts and are extremely confident about themselves. They know that they can charm anyone with their spontaneous funny lines and chilled-out attitude. In fact, they even know how to get out of the silliest of situations with utter confidence.他们性格外向,对自己相当自信。他们知道自己可以即兴用幽默的话语和放轻松的态度来迷倒任何一个人。事实上,他们知道如何单单凭自信就走出最窘迫不过的境地。
        You will always make heads turn你永远有回头率
        Wherever you are, be it on a cosy candle light dinner or in a really intense movie, you will often break into laughter, thanks to his wit. You will be the centre of attraction anywhere you go. While other couples are either busy with their phones or talk about serious things in life most of the time, you and your partner will be the target of their envious glances for the happiness that surrounds you.无论你在哪里,不论是温馨的烛光晚餐、还是紧张的电影的,他的机智都会让你忽而大笑。你们俩到哪里都会是万众的焦点,而其他爱侣大部分的时候不是忙着电话就是谈些严肃的事情;快乐常伴你左右,别人会向你们投来嫉妒的一瞥。
        For the long haul漫漫婚姻长路
        Funny men make awesome life partners as your life will always be a party. While marriage brings along a great deal of responsibilities, having a partner who can share them with minimum fuss and more happiness is a real treat. Moreover, these men make good fathers as they are great with kids too, thanks to their crazy sense of humour.有意思的人是极好的人生伴侣,因为你的生活永远是场派对。尽管婚姻带来很多责任,和一个快乐多、烦恼少的伴侣在一起着实是乐事一桩。而且,这样的人往往是很好的父亲,他们异乎寻常的幽默感让他们和孩子们相处甚欢。
        Why so serious?有什么好严肃的?
        They are equally passionate and serious about relationships and matters of importance. However, their sense of humour is a bonus as it simply adds to their charm that makes sure everyone around them always wears a smile.他们也同样激情满满,认真对待感情、处理重要事务。但他们的幽默感让周围人也因而常常嘴角挂着微笑,这又为他们平添一分魅力。

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