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发表于 2016-7-28 22:15:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        We all get a little stuck sometimes. 每个人都有不通畅的时候。
        Constipation can be caused by a host of things: A poor diet, a poor exercise routine and often stress can all contribute to discomfort on the toilet.便秘的原因有很多:饮食不好、锻炼不够、压力频繁都会让你上厕所的时候不畅快。
        In most cases, adding a little extra fiber to your diet can help get things moving. The body can't fully digest the nutrient, so it comes out in the stool while promoting a healthy intestine. Fruits and veggies are naturally full of the stuff, but some individual foods can help make you more regular than others. According to the Institute of Medicine, men should consume about 38 grams of fiber a day and women should consume 25. Most Americans fall short, eating only 15 grams or so each day.大多数情况下,在你的饮食中加一点额外的纤维素有助于肠道畅通。身体不能完全吸收纤维,所以部分纤维会随粪便排出体外,同时促进了肠道健康。水果和蔬菜富含天然纤维素,另外也有一些食物可以让你的排便比其他人更规律。据美国医学研究所的研究,男性每天需要摄入约38克的膳食纤维,女性需要25克。大多数美国人的摄入量都不够,每天只有15克左右。
        The foods listed below can help loosen things up; keep it handy for when things don't come as smoothly as you'd wish. And while an irregular series of bowel movements is not usually something to worry about, if the problem persists for more than three weeks or you're experiencing extreme discomfort, it's definitely time to seek advice from an expert.下面列举的食物能够促进肠道蠕动,要随时把这份列表放在手边,以应对便便困难的情况。肠道一时运动不规律通常并无大碍,但如果情况持续超过三周,或者你感到极度不适,那你就得马上咨询专家意见了。
        1. Raspberries1. 覆盆子(木霉)
        All berries boast a mighty fine amount of fiber, but at 8 grams per cup, raspberries stand out. Store a bag of the tart fruit in the freezer and whenever constipation strikes, add them to your fiber-tastic cereal or oatmeal.所有的莓都含有极其丰富的纤维素,其中覆盆子含有的最多,每一茶杯的覆盆子就有8克纤维素。这种用来制作水果派的水果应该在冰箱存一袋,每当便秘的时候,就在谷类食物或者麦片里加点覆盆子。
        2. Coffee2. 咖啡
        You probably drink your routine morning cup to wake up; coffee's natural caffeine content stimulates your brain and prepares you to brace the day ahead. Besides that jolt, caffeine can also offer a laxativeeffect for some people. As HuffPost previously reported, it stimulates muscle contractions in the large intestines, making things flow. But be careful here: Too many cups will send you running to the bathroom and dealing with diarrhea. Sticking to two to three cups is your safest best.你或许会每天早上都喝一杯咖啡提神。咖啡里天然的咖啡因会使大脑兴奋,让你准备好随时应对一天中的事。除了提神,咖啡对意些人还有通便的功效。HuffPost不久前就报道过,咖啡会刺激大肠肌肉收缩,促进食物流动。不过要注意的是,喝太多的话你会拉肚子的,你会不停地去厕所。坚持喝两、三杯是最有益的。
        3. Water3. 水
        Dehydration is one of the most common reasons for constipation. If you're not drinking much water throughout the day, it's time to get on it. Be sure to drink even more when you work out, especially on hotter days.缺水是便秘最常见的原因之一。如果你一天喝的水少,那你就要开始补水了。如果你运动了,特别是在天热的时候,就要保证喝到更多的水。
        4. Oranges4. 橙子
        Forgo your a.m. cup of juice for the whole fruit. A standard orange has a little more than 2 grams of fiber, while the juiced version contains little to none. Even more promising, a 2008 study found that naringenin, a compound found in citrus fruits, can have a laxative-like effect.抛弃早晨的果汁,换成整个的水果吧。一个普通的橙子含有2克多一点的纤维素,而橙汁几乎不含纤维素。还有更可靠的证据:一项2008年的研究发现,柑橘类水果中含有的柚皮素有类似通便的功效。
        5. Prunes5. 西梅干
        Marketers have been trying to give prunes a more elegant reputation for years now, selling the fruit as "dried plum" in attempt to rid it of its reputation for constipation relief. But there's no shame in getting people back to regular. Prunes really do help you poop, thankfully, due to their high insoluble fiber content. Just one little prune contains a gram of fiber, which is pretty concentrated for such a small piece of food. Other dried fruits like apricots have similar benefits and can provide the same relief.西梅干是出了名的可以减缓便秘,商家们把西梅干叫成“李子干”来卖,许多年来一直想给西梅干取个更优雅的名声。但是,让人们排便规律的功效也没有什么丢脸的。得益于西梅干中大量的不可溶纤维,它确实能帮助你便便。一个小小的西梅干就含有1克纤维素,对这么一小块的食物来说,这个量可谓超浓缩。其他的脱水水果(像杏干)也有类似的益处,有相同的通便功效。
        6. Popcorn6. 爆米花
        Isn't it nice to be able to call popcorn a health food? The snack offers about a gram of fiber for every cup. To make the most of popcorn, skip the kind that's drenched in butter and make a plain, all-natural batch at home.爆米花能够被叫作健康食品是不是很棒呢?每一杯爆米花能为你提供大约1克的纤维素。不要吃那种泡过黄油的爆米花,在家里自己做一份纯天然的吧,这样才能充分发挥爆米花的功效。
        7. Flax7. 亚麻
        Your body can't digest flaxseed whole, but when you're having trouble with the plumbing, ground flaxseed is worthing adding to already-fibrous foods like oatmeal. A tablespoon of the stuff contains 2 grams of fiber and only 37 calories, meaning it won't add much caloric bulk to your meal. Flaxseed also contains a healthy amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to help with depression and Alzheimer's disease. 你的身体不能完全消化亚麻籽,但当你排便不畅的时候,在燕麦粥这种本来就富含纤维的食品中加入亚麻籽粉是很有益的。一大勺亚麻籽粉含有2克纤维素,但只有37卡路里,这就意味着它不会给你的一餐增加多少热量。亚麻籽还含有ω-3脂肪酸,含量合适,有益健康,已经有案例显示ω-3脂肪酸能够帮助抑郁症和老年痴呆症的治疗。
        8. Brown Rice8. 糙米
        There are 3.5 grams of fiber in a cup of this delicious grain, making it a stellar choice for constipation relief. A 2007 study found that Japanese women who ate the most rice were 41 percent less at-risk for constipation than those who didn't eat as much of the grain. Experts tend to argue that brown rice is healthier than white because it contains more B vitamins, manganese, iron, fiber and fatty acids.这种可口谷物一茶杯的量就含有3.5克纤维物质,是减缓便秘的好选择。一项2007年的研究发现,吃米饭吃得最多的日本女人比起吃得少的,得便秘的风险要低41%。专家们经常争论,说糙米比白米更健康,因为糙米含有更多的维生素B、锰、铁、纤维素和脂肪酸。
        9. Spinach9. 菠菜



        Popeye was right to promote spinach as a muscle-builder, but he should have also touted the leafy green's ability to help you poop. (Strong muscles and a regular bathroom schedule? Sounds like a dream). A cup of boiled spinach has 4 grams of fiber and more than 150 mg of magnesium, a mineral that has laxative powers. 大力水手宣传菠菜的增肌效果没有错,但他应该也吹捧一下菠菜通便的功效。(又能让你肌肉健壮又能让你排便规律?听起来像梦一样。)一茶杯份量的水煮菠菜含有4克纤维素和超过150微克的镁,这种矿物元素也有通便功效。
        10. Yogurt10. 酸奶
        As Jamie Lee Curtis will tell ya, yogurt's probiotic presence can improve the consistency and frequency of your poops. A 2014 analysis found that the probiotics in yogurt helped people poop more often and more comfortably. You don't need to buy Activia to get the benefits.杰米•李•柯蒂斯会跟你说,酸奶中的益生菌能让你的排便更加顺畅规律。一项2014年的分析报告发现,酸奶中的益生菌能让人们排便更频繁、舒畅。不是非要达能酸奶才有这种益处。

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