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发表于 2016-7-28 22:15:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        There are countless urban legends about drinking, from supposed wisdom about what gets you drunk the quickest, to tips on how to avoid a hangover, to rules of thumb for how you should buy and serve a fine wine. Many of them, however, aren’t rooted in science or data. Here are 5 things you’ve heard about alcohol and drinking that aren’t actually true.关于喝酒有无数的传闻,从怎样哪些酒最容易让人喝醉的建议、到如何避免宿醉的温馨小贴士,再到如何购买葡萄酒和上酒的经验法则。然而,很多这类传闻都没有科学或数据支撑的。这里,小编列出了5条一直为大家深信不疑的饮酒小常识,其实它们都是不正确的喔!
        Myth 1: Hard Alcohol Will Get You Drunk Quicker.谬见1:烈酒更容易醉人
        Yes, hard liquor has a higher alcohol content than beer. But as long as you’re drinking them at the same speed, a shot of liquor in a mixer should give you the same buzz as a 12-ounce beer. Shots tend to get people more drunk because they take them more quickly than they would drink a beer or a glass of wine.是的,烈酒的酒精浓度比啤酒更高。但是如果你以相同的速度喝完烈酒和啤酒,其实一小杯兑了饮料的烈酒和12盎司的啤酒是一样的,都能让你脑袋嗡嗡作响。喝小杯的烈酒之所以更容易让人醉,因为小杯酒,和一瓶啤酒或者一杯红酒比,喝起来更快,也就更容易醉人。
        Myth 2: Everyone Gets Hungover.谬见2:人人都会宿醉
        Studies show that about 25 percent of people don’t get hangovers. Lucky folks! It’s possible that this is because they don’t drink as much as they think they’re drinking, or it could be because of some as yet unknown genetic quirk. One study of Australian twins found that genetics were responsible for 40 to 45 percent of the difference in hangover frequency between people.研究表示,近百分之二十五的人并不会宿醉。多么幸运的人!很可能是因为他们实际喝的酒并不如他们自己想象得多,又或者是他们体内有一些未知的遗传基因。一项对一对澳大利亚双胞胎的研究表明,人与人之间的基因会使人们在宿醉频率上有百分之四十至五十的差异。
        Myth 3: Beer Will Give You A Round Belly.谬见3:喝啤酒会有啤酒肚
        There isn’t anything more fattening about beer than any other alcohol. All alcohol is caloric and can lead to weight gain. The reason people associate a big gut with drinking too many brewskies might be because beer is consumed in larger quantities than liquor or wine.没有任何一种酒会比啤酒更容易增肥。所有酒都有热量,都会导致增肥。之所以大多数人把大肚腩和喝啤酒联系起来,原因可能是一般我们会喝很多啤酒,而烈酒和葡萄酒则不会喝很多。
        Myth 4: Drinking Kills Brain Cells.谬见4:饮酒会杀死脑细胞
        Long-term hard drinking isn’t great for the brain, but alcohol doesn’t kill brain cells like your mother warned it did. It does, however, impair brain function over time. Drinking can damage the ends of neurons, making it more difficult for them to relay signals. But that’s not quite the same thing as destroying entire cells.长期酗酒对大脑不好,但是并不是像你妈说的那样,酒精会导致脑细胞死亡。但久而久之,饮酒会损害脑功能。饮酒会损害神经元末梢,会减慢神经元传递信号。但这和杀死整个脑细胞是完全两个概念。
        Myth 5: Sake Is A Rice Wine.谬见5:日本清酒是一种米酒
        You would be forgiven for thinking this, as sake is often sold as a rice wine. But in fact, it’s more like a rice beer. Wines are alcoholic beverages made from fermented grape juice, and some expand that definition to include any and all fruit. But the process to make sake, which includes milling the grains of rice and fermenting them for weeks, is more akin to the beer-making process.你有这种误解是很正常的,日本清酒一直作为米酒来卖。事实上,它更像是一种米啤酒。葡萄酒是由发酵的葡萄汁制成的酒精饮料,一些人也说其它水果酿制的酒也算葡萄酒(但不包括米)。日本清酒的制作过程包括:磨碎大米粒,再让它们发酵几周,这更像制作啤酒的过程。

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