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发表于 2016-7-28 22:15:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        The road to healthy hair is paved with products, potions, and deep conditioners... oh my! If your hair is fried or suffers from split ends, tangles, and broken brittle pieces, it's time to take charge of your hair's health. It's easy to forget that our hair can be very fragile. Exposure to the sun, hair dryers, flat irons, and even daily brushing can take it's toll and leave you wishing for a time machine.想要一头光泽秀发,怎能少了五花八门的护发产品、洗发露、还有深层滋养护发素……如果你的现在头发毛躁分叉或打结易断,那可真要好好呵护啦!很少有人意识到,其实头发也很脆弱。想想头发每天暴露在阳光下、被吹风机狂吹、被烫发棒拉扯、甚至每天还要被梳子刮很多次……发质怎能不变差?
        It's important to remember that repairing damaged hair won't happen over night, but over time developing these habits will aim you down the road to recovery.当然,受损发质不可能一夜就能修复;但如果养成以下好习惯,最后你一定会拥有一头光泽秀发哦!
        De-Gunk Your Tresses冲洗干净残留护发品
        The products we use and even the water we use to remove the products we use, can cause your hair to have a less-than-healthy sheen. Build up is a serious issue with hair and can cause it to be limp, lifeless, and even cause your ends to be split and feel brittle. Getting this built up gunk off your hair is the first step in repairing damage and having healthier hair.我们使用的护发产品、甚至冲洗护发品的水,其实都有可能损害秀发光泽。残留的护发品危害很大,会导致头发脆弱无生机,甚至分叉易断。要想修复受损发质、重新拥有健康秀发,首先必须清洗干净残留在头发上的护发品。
        How often you need to remove build up really depends on the products you use and the water coming out of your tap. Most people could use a clarifying treatment at least once a month.至于多久清理一次,得看你使用什么样的护发品、洗头发的水干不干净了。大部分人差不多一个月就得做一次清洗吧。
        Protect Your Hair from Sun Exposure避免阳光暴晒
        One of the biggest culprits of hair damage, color fade, and brittle ends is sun damage. Even though we are more exposed in the summer, don't forget that the sun shines all year long. After a long day of sun exposure, it's a good idea to give your hair a nice long hydrating treatment to keep damage at bay and help your hair stay in tip-top condition.发质受损、褪色或易断,一大原因就是阳光曝晒。虽然头发在夏季更容易被曝晒,但也别忘了阳光照耀是常年都存在的。如果全天都暴露在阳光下,那最好给头发做一次深层滋润护理,从而预防受损,让秀发保持最佳状态。
        Try a Hot Oil Treatment尝试热油护理
        I am a huge fan of hot oil treatments to infuse hair with shine and moisture. Hot oil treatments are simple to do right at home. Cover with a shower cap or plastic wrap and apply heat using a hot towel (fresh from the dryer), your hair dryer, or sit in the sun on a warm day.我是热油护理的忠实粉丝,经常用这种方法让秀发恢复水润光泽。热油护理很简单,在家里就可以做。先戴上浴帽或包上保鲜膜,然后用热毛巾或吹风机给头发加热;当然,天气暖和的话,你也可以坐着晒太阳。
        After heating the oil, allow your hair to cool at room temperature, and rinse with cool water. Hot oil treatments can be done one to three times per month depending on the amount of damage and how dry your hair is. Too much oil can cause your hair to appear greasy, so be careful not to over-do it.等头发上的精油加热以后,就可以在室温下让头发自然风干,或者用凉水冲洗也行。根据发质受损及干燥程度,热油护理方法每月大概可以做1~3次。不过,精油用得太多会导致头发油腻,所以也要把握好度。
        Get a Good Deep Conditioning Treatment做一次深层护养
        A weekly deep conditioning treatment is a must for repairing your hair's damage and preventing future breakage and havoc. Not all deep conditioners are the same. It's important to find a deep conditioner that works with your hair type. A deep conditioner is especially important if you color your hair. Damaged hair will fade faster than healthy hair.要想修复受损发质、以免日后秀发再出问题,那么,每周一次深层护养是必须的。不是所有深层护发素都一样,你需要选择符合自己发质的护发素。如果你是染发,那么深层护发素就更重要了,因为受损发质比健康发质更容易褪色。
        Get a Haircut干脆修剪一下头发吧
        Let's face it, if your tresses are damaged, your ends are breaking, brittle and splitting, and you feel like you're losing at good hair days, a haircut (or just getting regular haircuts) will save the day. You don't have to chop it all off, although bobs and pixie haircuts can undo all your damage without having to buy all the products and put in all time it's going to take to reverse damage to your hair.说实话,如果你的头发已经受损,比如分叉易断,而你又因为头发问题苦不堪言的话,那还不如去修剪一下呢!你也不必非得咔嚓剪短秀发,虽然波波头等发型确实可以一下子解决受损发质问题,连去买护发产品的必要都没有。

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